Damped Track Constraint 阻尼跟踪约束
Damped Track Constraint 阻尼跟随约束 自身的一个本地(局部)轴总是指向 目标。该约束使用一个纯粹的 摇摆 旋转,亦即最短可能单轴旋转。在其他 3D 软件中你可以找到它名称为"Look at(关注)"约束。
Although usually associated with bones, Damped Track can align objects to point to (and follow) other objects or bones. It is important to note that the constraint aligns the origin's axes to point to the target's origin point. This is illustrated in the following figure. In each case the objects are set as Damped Track to +X.
- Target 目标
数据ID used to select the constraint's target, and is not functional (red state) when it has none. See common constraint properties for more information.
- 跟随轴
Once the owner object has had a Damped Track constraint applied to it, you must then choose which axis of the object you want to point at the Target object. The negative axis direction cause the object to point away from the Target object along the selected axis direction.
-X, -Y, -Z, X, Y, Z
- 影响
Controls the percentage of affect the constraint has on the object. See common constraint properties for more information.