- 面板
See also
还有其他几个 一般可见性 属性。
- 遮罩
- 阴影捕捉
使对象只能接收阴影。需要注意的是,阴影捕捉物体将通过间接光交互与其他CG物体交互。这项功能使它很容易结合 CGI 元素到现实世界的镜头。
The Shadow Catcher outputs different results depending on if the Shadow Catcher pass is enabled in Render Layer settings. With the Shadow Catcher pass enabled, all indirect light interactions are captured. With it disabled, a simple approximation is used instead. The simple approximation is used in viewport rendering.
物体可以通过设定对特定的的射线不可见 。例如,这可以用于使发射网格对于相机光线不可见。 例如,可见性是继承的; 如果某些光线类型隐藏了父对象,则这些子对象也将被隐藏。
- 相机
- 漫射色采样
- 光泽
- 传递采样
- 体积散射
- 阴影
In order to activate these options the respectively camera cull options have to be enabled in the scene simplify panel.
- 使用相机剔除
- 使用距离剔除
- 面板
Each object has its own motion blur settings along with the Scene Level Motion Blur. These settings can be found in the Object Properties tab of the Properties.
- 步数(阶梯)
控制塑性运动模糊的准确性,更多步数可提供更多内存使用。实际时间步长数为 \(2^{steps -1}\)。
- 塑性
- 面板
Shadow Terminator
- Geometry Offset
Offset rays from the surface to reduce shadow terminator artifacts on low-poly geometry. Higher values affect more triangles, a value of one affecting all triangles and zero having no affect. The default value only affects triangles at grazing angles to light and should eliminate most artifacts.
Unlike the Shading Offset, this option has little affect on the lighting making it the preferable method to handle shadow terminator artifacts.
- AO Distance
Override for the world's AO Distance, if the value is zero the world's distance is used.
Mark objects as caustic casters or receivers. This is used in conjunction with a Light or World Shader with Shadow Caustics enabled to selectively speed up caustic rendering of objects in your scene.
The rendering technique used to speed up the rendering of caustics is based on MNEE. There are a number of limitations with this technique and it's implementation in Cycles:
Only refractive caustics in the shadows of objects work. Caustics from reflections or caustics that fall outside shadows are not rendered with this technique.
MNEE Caustics are an approximation of caustics and will produce physically inaccurate results in many situations. Examples include incorrect brightnesses and the incorrect representation of caustics caused by rough or curved surfaces.
In complex materials with multiple refractive BSDFs, MNEE will only generate caustics for one of the BSDFs.
Filter Glossy settings are ignored when using MNEE for refractive caustics.
MNEE Caustic rays can pass through up to 6 Caustic Caster surfaces between a Caustic Reciever and a Shadow Caustic light before the ray is terminated and caustics are ignored.
The Ambient Occlusion and Bevel nodes will not produce a valid result on objects that are a Caustic caster or Caustic receiver while the scene contains a active Caustic caster, Caustic receiver, and Shadow Caustic Light.
MNEE Caustics only work if the caustic caster has smooth normals.
Volumetric materials are not considered when calculating MNEE caustics.
Bump and normal maps are ignored when calculating caustics.
The Metal GPU rendering backend is not supported.
- Cast Shadow Caustics
Mark an object as a caustic caster.
- Receive Shadow Caustics
Mark an object as a caustic receiver.
![]() Rendering caustics inside an eye without MNEE at 32 samples per pixel. |
![]() Rendering caustics inside an eye using MNEE at 32 samples per pixel. |
Light Group
- Light Group
Select the Light Group to add the current Object or Light too.
- Add Light Group
If the name input into the Light Group field does not align with an existing Light Group, then pressing this button will create a Light Group with that name and assign the selected Object or Light to it.