

  1. 安装Python (用于 转换 原始文件为HTML)

  2. Installing SVN and Downloading the Repository

  3. 设置编译环境


  1. 下载适用于 Windows 的 Python installation package,本指南使用版本为 3.9.x 。

  2. 使用安装向导安装Python。记得勾选 Add Python to PATH 选项:




Installing SVN and Downloading the Repository

In this guide, we will use TortoiseSVN though any Subversion client will do.

  1. Download TortoiseSVN for Windows.

  2. Install TortoiseSVN with the installation wizard. When choosing which features will be installed, it is recommended that you enable command line client tools to give you access to SVN from the command line (there is no harm in doing this, and it may be helpful if you ever run into any trouble).

  3. Once the installation has finished, create a new folder that will contain everything related to the Blender Manual. In this guide, we will use C:\blender_docs.

  4. Open the new folder, right-click and choose SVN Checkout... from the context menu.

  5. In the URL of repository field, enter:

  6. In the Checkout directory field, enter: C:\blender_docs.

  7. Click OK -- the repository will now be downloaded which may take a few minutes depending on your internet connection.


  • 打开命令行提示符。(使用管理员启动)

  • Enter the blender_docs folder which was just added by the SVN checkout:

    cd C:\blender_docs
  • 夹中有一个名为 requirements.txt 的文件,包含了一系列需要安装的依赖关系。要安装这些依赖关系,可以使用 pip 命令:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • 如果一切顺利,完成后会显示以下信息:

    Successfully installed Jinja2 MarkupSafe Pygments Sphinx docutils sphinx-rtd-theme Cleaning up...




pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade