活动的序列片段带以高亮轮廓线显示。可以在片段中间点击 鼠标左键 来选择 整个 片段。
The Select Menu helps you select strips in different ways.
- 全部 A
- 无 Alt-A
- 反转 Ctrl-I
- 框选 B
Click and drag a rectangular lasso around a region of strips in your Sequence workspace. Selects strips all intersecting this rectangle.
- 框选(包括控制柄)Ctrl-B
Works the same as Box Select but it selects only the strip's handles, if just one handle is selected moving the strip after selecting will change the strip's length. If both handles are selected the strip will move and behave the exact same as Box Select.
- 帧的一侧
- 左/右 [/ ]
Select strips laying left or right to the current frame.
- 当前
Select strips intersecting with the current frame.
- 控制柄
Operators to select strip handles. These operators are useful to change the timing of a cut by moving the handles after selecting them.
- 两者,左,右
Select the left, right, or both handles of selected strips.
- 双向/左邻/右邻
- 通道
Select strips in the same channel laying left or right to active strip.
- 关联
- 全部 Ctrl-L / 更少 Ctrl-数字键盘减- / 更多 Ctrl-数字键盘加+
Selects strips, that are placed next to each other without any gaps.
- 分组 Shift-G
Selects strips according to their relation with other strips.
- 类型
Selects any strips of the same type within a category for example, if you have a Cross strip selected this will select all other effect strips.
- 全局类型
Selects any strips of the same type, e.g. Effect, Image, Movie, etc.
- 特效类型
Selects all effect strips.
- 数据
Selects strips that share the same data, for example, two image strips sharing the same image file.
- 效果
Selects the strip that shares an effect strip.
- 特效 / 链接
Selects the effect strips, if any, linked to the currently selected strip.
- 重叠
Selects any strips that occur on the same frame as the current.