

The manual is written in the reStructuredText (RST) markup language and can be edited using a plain text editor. For a local preview, you convert (build) the manual source files from RST into HTML web pages.


Firstly, make sure that your local copy of the manual is up to date with the online repository using:

svn update


現在你可以選擇文字編輯器編輯文件檔案, 這些文件位於 manual 資料夾中的 .rst 檔案。

Be sure to check the Writing Style Guide for conventions and Markup Style Guide to learn how to write in the reStructuredText markup language.



如果你打算增加或大修某一節,一定要仔細檢查,確保現有手冊沒有這些內容。在某些地方,文件是如此雜亂無章,以至於一些章節內容重覆或者位於某個奇怪的位置。在你找到一個重覆或位置不當的章節後,請 新建一個任務 將問題解釋清楚,還可以附帶一個修正版本(實際修改)。


早一點與頻繁地 交流 ,是維持一個高產能環境的關鍵,這樣才不至於浪費別人的努力,並且完成一份更好的Blender手冊。


If you are in doubt about functionality that you wish to document, you should pose your questions to the Blender developers responsible for that area or ask at the unofficial user support channel in the #docs or #blender-coders channel in Blender Chat.

Blender itself has a system of module owners with developer and artist members who are responsible for the design and maintenance of the assigned Blender areas. See the module owners page for more information.


To view your changes, build the manual as instructed. Keep in mind that you can also build only the chapter you just edited to view it quickly. Open the generated .html files inside the build/html folder using your web browser, or refresh the page if you have it open already.

