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Instance Methods | |||
string |
None |
int |
None |
int |
None |
integer bitfield |
None |
float |
None |
float |
None |
float |
None |
float |
None |
float |
None |
float |
None |
list of floats |
None |
None |
CurNurb |
a list of 3 floats. |
None |
a list of 3 floats. |
None |
a list of 3 floats. |
None |
list of Material Objects |
Blender Object or None |
None |
Blender Object or None |
None |
None |
integer |
boolean |
integer |
integer |
Key object or None |
None |
Curve |
Instance Variables | |
Blender Object or None |
bevob The Curve Bevel Object |
int |
bevresol The Curve Data bevel resolution. |
float |
ext1 The Curve Data extent1 Called "Extrude" in the user interface (for bevels only). |
float |
ext2 The Curve Data extent2 - Called "Bevel Depth" in the user interface (for bevels only). |
flag The Curve Data flag value; see getFlag() for the semantics. |
Blender Key |
key The Key object associated with this Curve, if any. |
list of 3 floats |
loc The Curve Data location(from the center). |
list of Materials |
materials The curves's materials. |
string |
name The Curve Data name. |
int |
pathlen The Curve Data path length, used to set the number of frames for an animation (not the physical length). |
int |
resolu The Curve Data U-resolution (used for curve and surface resolution) [0 - 1024]. |
int |
resolv The Curve Data V-resolution (used for surface resolution) [0 - 1024]. |
list of 3 floats |
rot The Curve Data rotation(from the center). |
list of 3 floats |
size The Curve Data size(from the center). |
Blender Object or None |
taperob The Curve Taper Object |
int |
totcol The Curve Data maximal number of linked materials. |
float |
width The Curve Data width [0 - 2]. |
Method Details |
Warning: It is not advisable to use this method unless you know what you are doing; it's possible to corrupt a .blend file if you don't know what you're doing. If you want to change the number of materials, use the materials attribute. |
curve = Blender.Curve.Get('Curve') p0 = curve[0][0] # get first point from first nurb # -- OR -- nurb = curve[0] # get first nurb p0 = nurb[0] # get nurb's first point
Instance Variable Details |
bevresolThe Curve Data bevel resolution. [0 - 32]
materialsThe curves's materials. Each curve can reference up to 16 materials. Empty slots in the curve's list are represented by None. Note: Object.colbits needs to be set correctly for each object in order for these materials to be used instead of the object's materials. Note: The list that's returned is not linked to the original curve. curve.materials.append(material) won't do anything. Use curve.materials += [material] instead.
totcolThe Curve Data maximal number of linked materials. Read-only.
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Generated by Epydoc 3.0beta1 on Mon May 19 15:32:20 2008 | http://epydoc.sourceforge.net |