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Instance Methods | |||
string |
string |
list of 2 ints |
int |
list of 4 floats |
list of 4 floats |
list of 4 ints |
list of 2 ints |
list of 2 ints |
int |
int |
int |
int |
int |
int |
int |
none |
none |
none |
none |
none |
bool |
Instance Variables | |
boolean |
antialias enable or disable the antialias option for this image. |
int |
bindcode Texture's bind code (readonly). |
bool |
clampX When true the image will not tile horizontally. |
bool |
clampY When true the image will not tile vertically. |
int |
depth The pixel depth of the image, read only. |
int |
end Texture's animation end frame [0, 128]. |
bool |
fakeUser When set to True, this datablock wont be removed, even if nothing is using it. |
boolean |
fields enable or disable the fields option for this image. |
boolean |
fields_odd enable or disable the odd fields option for this image. |
string |
filename The filename (path) to the image file loaded into this Image object. |
boolean |
has_data True when the image has pixel data (readonly). |
string or None |
lib path to the blend file this datablock is stored in (readonly). |
string |
name unique name within each blend file. |
boolean |
packed True when the Texture is packed (readonly). |
IDGroup |
properties Returns an IDGroup reference to this datablocks's ID Properties. |
list |
size The [width, height] dimensions of the image (in pixels). |
int |
source Image source type. |
int |
speed Texture's animation speed [1, 100]. |
int |
start Texture's animation start frame [0, 128]. |
bool |
tag A temporary tag that to flag data as being used within a loop. |
int |
users The number of users this datablock has. |
int |
xrep Texture tiling: the number of repetitions in the x (horizontal) axis. |
int |
yrep Texture tiling: the number of repetitions in the y (vertical) axis [1, 16]. |
Method Details |
Warning: if the image file is corrupt or still being written, it will be replaced by a blank image in Blender, but no error will be returned. |
Note: Usually you don't need to call this method. It is only necessary if you want to draw textured objects in the Scripts window and the image's bind code is zero at that moment, otherwise Blender itself can take care of binding / unbinding textures. Calling this method for an image with nonzero bind code simply returns the image's bind code value (see getBindCode). |
Warning: use this with caution and note that the filename is truncated if larger than 160 characters. |
Packs the image into the current blend file. Since 2.44 new images without valid filenames can be packed. If the image is alredy packed, it will be repacked.
Note: An error will be raised if the image is not packed or the filename path does not exist. |
Warning: Deprecated, set bpy.data.images.active = image instead. |
Instance Variable Details |
depthThe pixel depth of the image, read only. [8, 16, 18, 24, 32, 128 (for 32bit float color channels)]
fakeUserWhen set to True, this datablock wont be removed, even if nothing is using it. All data has this disabled by default except for Actions.
libpath to the blend file this datablock is stored in (readonly). lib will be None unless you are using external blend files with (File, Append/Link) Note: the path may be relative, to get the full path use Blender.sys.expandpath
nameunique name within each blend file. The name is case sensitive and 21 characters maximum length. Note: a blend file may have naming collisions when external library data is used, be sure to check the value of lib. Note: Setting a value longer then 21 characters will be shortened
sourceImage source type. See the Sources dictionary .
tagA temporary tag that to flag data as being used within a loop. always set all tags to True or False before using since blender uses this flag for its own internal operations.
usersThe number of users this datablock has. (readonly) Zero user datablocks are de-allocated after reloading and saving.
xrepTexture tiling: the number of repetitions in the x (horizontal) axis. [1, 16].
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