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Instance Methods | |||
int |
None |
int |
None |
float |
None |
float |
None |
float |
None |
float |
None |
float |
None |
float |
None |
int |
None |
float |
None |
float |
None |
float |
None |
float |
None |
int |
None |
int |
None |
int |
None |
tuple of three floats |
None |
tuple of 4 floats |
None |
tuple of 4 floats |
None |
tuple of 4 ints |
None |
tuple of 4 ints |
None |
tuple of 3 floats |
None |
A list of vector or a list of vector lists. |
Instance Variables | |
tuple of 4 ints |
child The number of children a particle may have. |
tuple of 4 ints |
childMat The materials used by the 4 generation particles. |
float |
damping The particle damping factor. |
tuple of 3 floats |
defvec The x, y and z axis of the force defined by the texture. |
int |
disp The percentage of particles displayed. |
int |
dispMat The material used for the particles. |
int |
emissionTex The texture used for texture emission. |
float |
end The end time of the effect. |
int |
flag The flag bitfield. |
tuple of 3 floats |
force The constant force applied to the parts. |
int |
forceTex The texture used for force. |
int |
jitter Jitter table distribution: maximum particles per face. |
tuple of 4 floats |
life The lifetime of of the next generation of particles. |
float |
lifetime The lifetime of the effect. |
tuple of 4 floats |
mult The probabilities of a particle having a child. |
float |
nabla The nabla value. |
float |
normfac The normal strength of the particles relative to mesh. |
float |
obfac The strength of the particles relative to objects. |
float |
randfac The initial random speed of the particles. |
float |
randlife The variability of the life of the particles. |
int |
seed The seed of the random number generator. |
int |
speedType Controls which texture property affects particle speeds. |
str |
speedVGroup The name of the vertex group used for speed control. |
float |
sta The start time of the effect. |
int |
staticStep percentage of skipped particles in static display. |
int |
stype The bitfield for vector. |
float |
texfac The initial speed of the particles caused by the texture. |
int |
totkey The total number of key positions. |
int |
totpart The total number of particles. |
int |
type The type of the effect. |
str |
vGroup The name of the vertex group used for emitted particles. |
float |
vectsize The size of vectors associated to the particles (if any). |
Method Details |
Instance Variable Details |
childThe number of children a particle may have. Values are clamped to the range [1,600].
childMatThe materials used by the 4 generation particles. Values are clamped to the range [1,16].
dampingThe particle damping factor. This controls the rate at which particles decelerate. Values are clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
defvecThe x, y and z axis of the force defined by the texture. Values are clamped to the range [-1.0,1.0].
dispThe percentage of particles displayed. Value is clamped to the range [0,100].
dispMatThe material used for the particles. Value is clamped to the range [1,16].
emissionTexThe texture used for texture emission. Value is clamped to the range [1,10].
endThe end time of the effect. Value is clamped to the range [1.0,30000.0].
flagThe flag bitfield. See Flags for values.
forceThe constant force applied to the parts. Values are clamped to the range [-1.0,1.0].
forceTexThe texture used for force. Value is clamped to the range [1,10].
jitterJitter table distribution: maximum particles per face. Values are clamped to the range [0,200].
lifeThe lifetime of of the next generation of particles. Values are clamped to the range [1.0,30000.0].
lifetimeThe lifetime of the effect. Value is clamped to the range [1.0,30000.0].
multThe probabilities of a particle having a child. Values are clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
nablaThe nabla value. Value is clamped to the range [0.0001,1.0].
normfacThe normal strength of the particles relative to mesh. Value is clamped to the range [-2.0,2.0].
obfacThe strength of the particles relative to objects. Value is clamped to the range [-1.0,1.0].
randfacThe initial random speed of the particles. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,2.0].
randlifeThe variability of the life of the particles. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,2.0].
seedThe seed of the random number generator. Value is clamped to the range [0,255].
speedTypeControls which texture property affects particle speeds. See SpeedTypes for values and their meanings.
staThe start time of the effect. Value is clamped to the range [-250.0,30000.0].
staticSteppercentage of skipped particles in static display. Value is clamped to the range [1,100].
texfacThe initial speed of the particles caused by the texture. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,2.0].
totkeyThe total number of key positions. Value is clamped to the range [1,100].
totpartThe total number of particles. Value is clamped to the range [1,100000].
typeThe type of the effect. Deprecated.
vectsizeThe size of vectors associated to the particles (if any). Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
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