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Warning: Most member variables assume values in some [Min, Max] interval. When trying to set them, the given parameter will be clamped to lie in that range: if val < Min, then val = Min, if val > Max, then val = Max.
Instance Methods | |||
string |
Ipo |
int |
list of 3 floats |
list of 3 floats |
list of 3 floats |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
int |
int |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
int |
float |
int |
float |
float |
int |
int |
int |
int |
int |
float |
int |
float |
float |
float |
int |
float |
float |
list of MTex |
list |
Material |
Instance Variables | |
float |
B Diffuse color (rgbCol) blue component. |
float |
G Diffuse color (rgbCol) green component. |
float |
IOR Angular index of refraction for raytrace. |
float |
R Diffuse color (rgbCol) red component. |
float |
add Strength of the add effect. |
float |
alpha Alpha (translucency) component of the material. |
float |
amb Amount of global ambient color material receives. |
list |
colorband Material colorband, a list of colors, each color a list of 5 floats [0 - 1], [r,g,b,a,pos]. |
list |
colorbandDiffuse Material colorband, a list of colors, each color a list of 5 floats [0 - 1], [r,g,b,a,pos]. |
list |
colorbandSpecular Material colorband, a list of colors, each color a list of 5 floats [0 - 1], [r,g,b,a,pos]. |
float |
diffuseDarkness Material's diffuse darkness ("Minnaert" diffuse shader only). |
int |
diffuseShader Diffuse shader type (see Shaders). |
float |
diffuseSize Material's diffuse area size ("Toon" diffuse shader only). |
float |
diffuseSmooth Material's diffuse area smoothing ("Toon" diffuse shader only). |
float |
emit Amount of light the material emits. |
bool |
enableSSS If True, subsurface scattering will be rendered on this material. |
bool |
fakeUser When set to True, this datablock wont be removed, even if nothing is using it. |
float |
filter Amount of filtering when transparent raytrace is enabled. |
float |
flareBoost Flare's extra strength. |
int |
flareSeed Offset in the flare seed table. |
float |
flareSize Ratio of flare size to halo size. |
float |
fresnelDepth Power of Fresnel for mirror reflection. |
float |
fresnelDepthFac Blending factor for Fresnel mirror. |
float |
fresnelTrans Power of Fresnel for transparency. |
float |
fresnelTransFac Blending factor for Fresnel transparency. |
float |
glossMir Amount of reflection glossy. |
float |
glossTra Amount of refraction glossy. |
int |
haloSeed Randomizes halo ring dimension and line location. |
float |
haloSize Dimension of the halo. |
int |
hard Hardness of the specularity. |
Blender Ipo |
ipo Material Ipo data. |
string or None |
lib path to the blend file this datablock is stored in (readonly). |
Group or None |
lightGroup Limits lights that affect this material to a group. |
float |
mirB Mirror color (mirCol) blue component. |
list of 3 floats |
mirCol Mirror RGB color triplet. |
float |
mirG Mirror color (mirCol) green component. |
float |
mirR Mirror color (mirCol) red component. |
int |
mode Mode mode bitfield. |
int |
nFlares Number of subflares with halo. |
int |
nLines Number of star-shaped lines with halo. |
int |
nRings Number of rings with halo. |
int |
nStars Number of star points with halo. |
string |
name unique name within each blend file. |
list of 2 floats |
oopsLoc Material OOPs location. |
int |
oopsSel Material OOPs selection flag. |
IDGroup |
properties Returns an IDGroup reference to this datablocks's ID Properties. |
float |
rayMirr Mirror reflection amount for raytrace. |
int |
rayMirrDepth Amount of raytrace inter-reflections. |
float |
rbFriction Rigid Body Friction coefficient. |
float |
rbRestitution Rigid Body Friction restitution. |
float |
ref Amount of reflections (for shader). |
float |
refracIndex Material's Index of Refraction (applies to the "Blinn" Specular Shader only. |
list of 3 floats |
rgbCol Diffuse RGB color triplet. |
float |
rms Material's surface slope standard deviation ("WardIso" specular shader only). |
float |
roughness Material's roughness ("Oren Nayar" diffuse shader only). |
int |
sampGlossTra Refraction glossy samples. |
int |
sampGloss_mir Reflection glossy samples. |
float |
shadAlpha Shadow Alpha for irregular shadow buffer. |
float |
spec Degree of specularity. |
float |
specB Specular color (specCol) blue component. |
list of 3 floats |
specCol Specular RGB color triplet. |
float |
specG Specular color (specCol) green component. |
float |
specR Specular color (specCol) red component. |
int |
specShader Specular shader type. |
float |
specSize Material's specular area size ("Toon" specular shader only). |
float |
specSmooth Sets the smoothness of specular toon area. |
float |
specTransp Makes specular areas opaque on transparent materials. |
float |
sssB SubSsurface scattering color (sssCol) blue component. |
float |
sssBack Back scattering weight Value is clamped to the range [0.0,10.0]. |
list of 3 floats |
sssCol SubSsurface scattering RGB color triplet. |
float |
sssColorBlend Blend factor for SSS colors. |
float |
sssError Error allowance for the calculation (a low value is slower). |
float |
sssFront Front scattering weight. |
float |
sssG SubSsurface scattering color (sssCol) green component. |
float |
sssIOR Refraction index. |
float |
sssR SubSsurface scattering color (sssCol) red component. |
float |
sssRadiusBlue Mean blue scattering path length. |
float |
sssRadiusGreen Mean green scattering path length. |
float |
sssRadiusRed Mean red scattering path length. |
bool |
sssScale If True, subsurface scattering will be rendered on this material. |
float |
sssTextureScatter Texture scattering factor. |
float |
subSize Dimension of subflares, dots and circles. |
bool |
tag A temporary tag that to flag data as being used within a loop. |
int |
transDepth calculated maximal. |
float |
translucency Amount of diffuse shading of the back side. |
int |
users The number of users this datablock has. |
string |
uvlayer The uv layer name to use, when UV mapping is enabled. |
float |
zOffset Artificial offset in the Z buffer (for Ztransp option). |
Method Details |
Set this Material's mode flags. Up to 22 mode strings can be given and specify the modes which are turned 'on'. Those not provided are turned 'off', so mat.setMode() -- without arguments -- turns off all mode flags for Material mat. Valid mode strings are "Traceable", "Shadow", "Shadeless", "Wire", "VColLight", "VColPaint", "Halo", "ZTransp", "ZInvert", "HaloRings", "HaloLines", "OnlyShadow", "HaloXAlpha", "HaloStar", "TexFace", "HaloTex", "HaloPuno", "NoMist", "HaloShaded", "HaloFlare", "Radio", "RayMirr", "ZTransp", "RayTransp", "Env" An integer can also be given, which directly sets the mode flag. The Modes dictionary keys can (and should) be added or ORed to specify which modes to turn 'on'. The value returned from getMode() can also be modified and input to this method.
Instance Variable Details |
BDiffuse color (rgbCol) blue component. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
GDiffuse color (rgbCol) green component. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
IORAngular index of refraction for raytrace. Value is clamped to the range [1.0,3.0].
RDiffuse color (rgbCol) red component. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
addStrength of the add effect. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
alphaAlpha (translucency) component of the material. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
ambAmount of global ambient color material receives. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
colorbandMaterial colorband, a list of colors, each color a list of 5 floats [0 - 1], [r,g,b,a,pos]. The colorband can have between 1 and 31 colors.
colorbandDiffuseMaterial colorband, a list of colors, each color a list of 5 floats [0 - 1], [r,g,b,a,pos]. The colorband can have between 1 and 31 colors.
colorbandSpecularMaterial colorband, a list of colors, each color a list of 5 floats [0 - 1], [r,g,b,a,pos]. The colorband can have between 1 and 31 colors.
diffuseDarknessMaterial's diffuse darkness ("Minnaert" diffuse shader only). Value is clamped to the range [0.0,2.0].
diffuseShaderDiffuse shader type (see Shaders). Value must be in the range [0,3].
diffuseSizeMaterial's diffuse area size ("Toon" diffuse shader only). Value is clamped to the range [0.0,3.14].
diffuseSmoothMaterial's diffuse area smoothing ("Toon" diffuse shader only). Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
emitAmount of light the material emits. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
fakeUserWhen set to True, this datablock wont be removed, even if nothing is using it. All data has this disabled by default except for Actions.
filterAmount of filtering when transparent raytrace is enabled. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
flareBoostFlare's extra strength. Value is clamped to the range [0.1,1.0].
flareSeedOffset in the flare seed table. Value is clamped to the range [1,255].
flareSizeRatio of flare size to halo size. Value is clamped to the range [0.1,25.0].
fresnelDepthPower of Fresnel for mirror reflection. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,5.0].
fresnelDepthFacBlending factor for Fresnel mirror. Value is clamped to the range [1.0,5.0].
fresnelTransPower of Fresnel for transparency. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,5.0].
fresnelTransFacBlending factor for Fresnel transparency. Value is clamped to the range [1.0,5.0].
glossMirAmount of reflection glossy. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
glossTraAmount of refraction glossy. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
haloSeedRandomizes halo ring dimension and line location. Value is clamped to the range [1,255].
haloSizeDimension of the halo. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,100.0].
hardHardness of the specularity. Value is clamped to the range [1,255].
ipoMaterial Ipo data. Contains the Ipo if one is assigned to the object, None otherwise. Setting to None clears the current Ipo.
libpath to the blend file this datablock is stored in (readonly). lib will be None unless you are using external blend files with (File, Append/Link) Note: the path may be relative, to get the full path use Blender.sys.expandpath
mirBMirror color (mirCol) blue component. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
mirColMirror RGB color triplet. Components are clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
mirGMirror color (mirCol) green component. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
mirRMirror color (mirCol) red component. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
modeMode mode bitfield. See the Modes dictionary keys and descriptions.
nFlaresNumber of subflares with halo. Value is clamped to the range [1,32].
nLinesNumber of star-shaped lines with halo. Value is clamped to the range [0,250].
nRingsNumber of rings with halo. Value is clamped to the range [0,24].
nStarsNumber of star points with halo. Value is clamped to the range [3,50].
nameunique name within each blend file. The name is case sensitive and 21 characters maximum length. Note: a blend file may have naming collisions when external library data is used, be sure to check the value of lib. Note: Setting a value longer then 21 characters will be shortened
oopsLocMaterial OOPs location. Returns None if material not found in list.
oopsSelMaterial OOPs selection flag. Value must be in the range [0,1].
rayMirrMirror reflection amount for raytrace. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
rayMirrDepthAmount of raytrace inter-reflections. Value is clamped to the range [0,10].
rbFrictionRigid Body Friction coefficient. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,100.0].
rbRestitutionRigid Body Friction restitution. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
refAmount of reflections (for shader). Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
refracIndexMaterial's Index of Refraction (applies to the "Blinn" Specular Shader only. Value is clamped to the range [1.0,10.0].
rgbColDiffuse RGB color triplet. Components are clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
rmsMaterial's surface slope standard deviation ("WardIso" specular shader only). Value is clamped to the range [0.0,0.4].
roughnessMaterial's roughness ("Oren Nayar" diffuse shader only). Value is clamped to the range [0.0,3.14].
sampGlossTraRefraction glossy samples. Value is clamped to the range [1,1024].
sampGloss_mirReflection glossy samples. Value is clamped to the range [1,1024].
shadAlphaShadow Alpha for irregular shadow buffer. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
specDegree of specularity. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,2.0].
specBSpecular color (specCol) blue component. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
specColSpecular RGB color triplet. Components are clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
specGSpecular color (specCol) green component. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
specRSpecular color (specCol) red component. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
specShaderSpecular shader type. See Shaders. Value must be in the range [0,4].
specSizeMaterial's specular area size ("Toon" specular shader only). Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.53].
specSmoothSets the smoothness of specular toon area. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
specTranspMakes specular areas opaque on transparent materials. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
sssBSubSsurface scattering color (sssCol) blue component. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
sssColSubSsurface scattering RGB color triplet. Components are clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
sssColorBlendBlend factor for SSS colors. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
sssErrorError allowance for the calculation (a low value is slower). Value is clamped to the range [0.0,10.0].
sssFrontFront scattering weight. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,2.0].
sssGSubSsurface scattering color (sssCol) green component. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
sssIORRefraction index. Value is clamped to the range [0.1,2.0].
sssRSubSsurface scattering color (sssCol) red component. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
sssRadiusBlueMean blue scattering path length. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,10000.0].
sssRadiusGreenMean green scattering path length. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,10000.0].
sssRadiusRedMean red scattering path length. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,10000.0].
sssScaleIf True, subsurface scattering will be rendered on this material. Value is clamped to the range [0.1,1000.0].
sssTextureScatterTexture scattering factor. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
subSizeDimension of subflares, dots and circles. Value is clamped to the range [0.1,25.0].
tagA temporary tag that to flag data as being used within a loop. always set all tags to True or False before using since blender uses this flag for its own internal operations.
transDepthcalculated maximal. Amount of refractions for raytrace. Value is clamped to the range [0,10].
translucencyAmount of diffuse shading of the back side. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0].
usersThe number of users this datablock has. (readonly) Zero user datablocks are de-allocated after reloading and saving.
zOffsetArtificial offset in the Z buffer (for Ztransp option). Value is clamped to the range [0.0,10.0].
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