Rigidbody Operators

bpy.ops.rigidbody.bake_to_keyframes(frame_start=1, frame_end=250, step=1)

Bake rigid body transformations of selected objects to keyframes

  • frame_start (int in [0, 300000], (optional)) – Start Frame, Start frame for baking

  • frame_end (int in [1, 300000], (optional)) – End Frame, End frame for baking

  • step (int in [1, 120], (optional)) – Frame Step, Frame Step



bpy.ops.rigidbody.connect(con_type='FIXED', pivot_type='CENTER', connection_pattern='SELECTED_TO_ACTIVE')

Create rigid body constraints between selected rigid bodies

  • con_type (enum in ['FIXED', 'POINT', 'HINGE', 'SLIDER', 'PISTON', 'GENERIC', 'GENERIC_SPRING', 'MOTOR'], (optional)) –

    Type, Type of generated constraint

    • FIXED Fixed, Glue rigid bodies together.

    • POINT Point, Constrain rigid bodies to move around common pivot point.

    • HINGE Hinge, Restrict rigid body rotation to one axis.

    • SLIDER Slider, Restrict rigid body translation to one axis.

    • PISTON Piston, Restrict rigid body translation and rotation to one axis.

    • GENERIC Generic, Restrict translation and rotation to specified axes.

    • GENERIC_SPRING Generic Spring, Restrict translation and rotation to specified axes with springs.

    • MOTOR Motor, Drive rigid body around or along an axis.

  • pivot_type (enum in ['CENTER', 'ACTIVE', 'SELECTED'], (optional)) –

    Location, Constraint pivot location

    • CENTER Center, Pivot location is between the constrained rigid bodies.

    • ACTIVE Active, Pivot location is at the active object position.

    • SELECTED Selected, Pivot location is at the selected object position.

  • connection_pattern (enum in ['SELECTED_TO_ACTIVE', 'CHAIN_DISTANCE'], (optional)) –

    Connection Pattern, Pattern used to connect objects

    • SELECTED_TO_ACTIVE Selected to Active, Connect selected objects to the active object.

    • CHAIN_DISTANCE Chain by Distance, Connect objects as a chain based on distance, starting at the active object.




Add Rigid Body Constraint to active object


type (enum in ['FIXED', 'POINT', 'HINGE', 'SLIDER', 'PISTON', 'GENERIC', 'GENERIC_SPRING', 'MOTOR'], (optional)) –

Rigid Body Constraint Type

  • FIXED Fixed, Glue rigid bodies together.

  • POINT Point, Constrain rigid bodies to move around common pivot point.

  • HINGE Hinge, Restrict rigid body rotation to one axis.

  • SLIDER Slider, Restrict rigid body translation to one axis.

  • PISTON Piston, Restrict rigid body translation and rotation to one axis.

  • GENERIC Generic, Restrict translation and rotation to specified axes.

  • GENERIC_SPRING Generic Spring, Restrict translation and rotation to specified axes with springs.

  • MOTOR Motor, Drive rigid body around or along an axis.


Remove Rigid Body Constraint from Object

bpy.ops.rigidbody.mass_calculate(material='DEFAULT', density=1.0)

Automatically calculate mass values for Rigid Body Objects based on volume

  • material (enum in ['DEFAULT'], (optional)) – Material Preset, Type of material that objects are made of (determines material density)

  • density (float in [1.17549e-38, inf], (optional)) – Density, Density value (kg/m^3), allows custom value if the ‘Custom’ preset is used


Add active object as Rigid Body


type (enum in ['ACTIVE', 'PASSIVE'], (optional)) –

Rigid Body Type

  • ACTIVE Active, Object is directly controlled by simulation results.

  • PASSIVE Passive, Object is directly controlled by animation system.


Remove Rigid Body settings from Object


Copy Rigid Body settings from active object to selected




Add selected objects as Rigid Bodies


type (enum in ['ACTIVE', 'PASSIVE'], (optional)) –

Rigid Body Type

  • ACTIVE Active, Object is directly controlled by simulation results.

  • PASSIVE Passive, Object is directly controlled by animation system.


Remove selected objects from Rigid Body simulation


Change collision shapes for selected Rigid Body Objects


type (enum in ['BOX', 'SPHERE', 'CAPSULE', 'CYLINDER', 'CONE', 'CONVEX_HULL', 'MESH', 'COMPOUND'], (optional)) –

Rigid Body Shape

  • BOX Box, Box-like shapes (i.e. cubes), including planes (i.e. ground planes).

  • SPHERE Sphere.

  • CAPSULE Capsule.

  • CYLINDER Cylinder.

  • CONE Cone.

  • CONVEX_HULL Convex Hull, A mesh-like surface encompassing (i.e. shrinkwrap over) all vertices (best results with fewer vertices).

  • MESH Mesh, Mesh consisting of triangles only, allowing for more detailed interactions than convex hulls.

  • COMPOUND Compound Parent, Combines all of its direct rigid body children into one rigid object.


Add Rigid Body simulation world to the current scene


Remove Rigid Body simulation world from the current scene