Module BGL
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Module BGL

The Blender.BGL submodule (the OpenGL wrapper).

The Blender.BGL submodule

This module wraps OpenGL constants and functions, making them available from within Blender Python.

The complete list can be retrieved from the module itself, by listing its contents: dir(Blender.BGL). There are too many to be documented here, but a simple search on the net can point to more than enough material to teach OpenGL programming, from books to many collections of tutorials.

The "red book": "OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL" and the online NeHe tutorials are two of the best resources.

See also:

 import Blender
 from Blender.BGL import *
 from Blender import Draw
 R = G = B = 0
 A = 1
 instructions = "Hold mouse buttons to change the background color."
 quitting = " Press ESC or q to quit."
 def show_win():
  glClearColor(R,G,B,A)                # define color used to clear buffers 
  glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)         # use it to clear the color buffer
  glColor3f(1,1,1)                     # change default color
  glRasterPos2i(50,100)                # move cursor to x = 50, y = 100
  Draw.Text("Testing BGL  + Draw")     # draw this text there
  glRasterPos2i(350,20)                # move cursor again
  Draw.Text(instructions + quitting)   # draw another msg
  glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP)                # begin a vertex-data list
  glEnd()                              # close this list
  glColor3f(0.35,0.18,0.92)            # change default color again
  glBegin(GL_POLYGON)                  # another list, for a polygon
  glVertex2i(315, 292)
  glVertex2i(412, 200)
  glVertex2i(264, 256)
  Draw.Redraw(1)                       # make changes visible.
 def ev(evt, val):                     # this is a callback for Draw.Register()
  global R,G,B,A                       # ... it handles input events
  if evt == Draw.ESCKEY or evt == Draw.QKEY:
    Draw.Exit()                        # this quits the script
  elif evt == Draw.LEFTMOUSE: R = 1 - R
  elif evt == Draw.MIDDLEMOUSE: G = 1 - G
  elif evt == Draw.RIGHTMOUSE: B = 1 - B
    Draw.Register(show_win, ev, None)
 Draw.Register(show_win, ev, None)     # start the main loop

Generated by Epydoc 1.1 on Wed Aug 13 19:17:13 2003