Module Material
The Blender.Material submodule.
This module provides access to Material objects in Blender.
import Blender
from Blender import Material
mat = Material.New('newMat') # create a new Material called 'newMat'
print mat.rgbCol # print its rgb color triplet
mat.rgbCol = [0.8, 0.2, 0.2] # change its color
mat.setAlpha(0.2) # mat.alpha = 0.2 -- almost transparent
mat.emit = 0.7 # equivalent to mat.setEmit(0.8)
mat.mode |= Material.Modes.ZTRANSP # turn on Z-Buffer transparency
mat.setName('RedBansheeSkin') # change its name
mat.setAdd(0.8) # make it glow
mat.setMode('Halo') # turn 'Halo' "on" and all others "off"
Warning: Some Modes are only available when the 'Halo' mode is off and
others only when it is on. But these two subsets of modes share
the same numerical values in their Blender C #defines. So, for example,
if 'Halo' is on, then 'NoMist' is actually interpreted as 'HaloShaded'.
We marked all such possibilities in the Modes dict below: each
halo-related mode that uses an already taken value is preceded by
"-" and appear below the normal mode which also uses that
Classes |
Material |
This object gives access to Materials in Blender. |
Function Summary |
Blender Material or a list of Blender Materials
Get (name)
Get the Material object(s) from Blender. |
Blender Material
New (name)
Create a new Material object. |
Variable Summary |
readonly dictionary |
- The available Material Modes. |
Get the Material object(s) from Blender.
- Parameters:
name -
The name of the Material.
- Returns:
It depends on the 'name' parameter:
(name): The Material object with the given name;
(): A list with all Material objects in the current scene.
(type=Blender Material or a list of Blender Materials)
Create a new Material object.
- Parameters:
name -
The Material name.
- Returns:
The created Material object.
(type=Blender Material)
The available Material Modes.
TRACEABLE - Make Material visible for shadow lamps.
SHADOW - Enable Material for shadows.
SHADELESS - Make Material insensitive to light or shadow.
WIRE - Render only the edges of faces.
VCOL_LIGHT - Add vertex colors as extra light.
VCOL_PAINT - Replace basic colors with vertex colors.
HALO - Render as a halo.
ZTRANSP - Z-buffer transparent faces.
ZINVERT - Render with inverted Z-buffer.
- HALORINGS - Render rings over the basic halo.
ENV - Do not render Material.
- HALOLINES - Render star shaped lines over the basic halo.
ONLYSHADOW - Let alpha be determined on the degree of shadow.
- HALOXALPHA - Use extreme alpha.
TEXFACE - UV-Editor assigned texture gives color and texture info for
- HALOSTAR - Render halo as a star.
NOMIST - Set the Material insensitive to mist.
- HALOSHADED - Let halo receive light.
HALOTEX - Give halo a texture.
HALOPUNO - Use the vertex normal to specify the dimension of the
HALOFLARE - Render halo as a lens flare.
- Type:
readonly dictionary