Module Blender
[frames | no frames]

Module Blender

The main Blender module.


Function Summary
Retrieve settings from Blender.
Load a Blender .blend file or any of the other supported file formats.
Exit from Blender immediately.
Redraw all 3D windows.
  Save(filename, overwrite)
Save a Blender .blend file with the current program data or export to one of the builtin file formats.
  Set(request, data)
Update settings in Blender.

Function Details


Retrieve settings from Blender.
request - The setting data to be returned:
  • 'curframe': the current animation frame
  • 'curtime' : the current animation time
  • 'staframe': the start frame of the animation
  • 'endframe': the end frame of the animation
  • 'filename': the name of the last file read or written
  • 'datadir' : the path to the dir where scripts should store and retrieve their data files, including saved configuration (can be None, if not found).
  • 'version' : the Blender version number

The requested data.


Load a Blender .blend file or any of the other supported file formats.

Supported formats:
  • Blender's .blend;
  • DXF;
  • Open Inventor 1.0 ASCII;
  • Radiogour;
  • STL;
  • Videoscape;
  • VRML 1.0 asc.
filename - the pathname to the desired file. If 'filename' isn't given or if it contains the substring '.B.blend', the default .B.blend file is loaded.


  • loading a new .blend file removes the current data in Blender. For safety, this function saves the current data as an autosave file in the temporary dir used by Blender before loading a new Blender file.
  • after a call to Load(blendfile), current data in Blender is lost, including the Python dictionaries. Any posterior references in the script to previously defined data will generate a NameError. So it's better to put Blender.Load as the last executed command in the script, when this function is used to open .blend files.


Exit from Blender immediately.

Warning: the use of this function should obviously be avoided, it is available because there are some cases where it can be useful, like in automated tests. For safety, a "quit.blend" file is saved (normal Blender behavior upon exiting) when this function is called, so the data in Blender isn't lost.


Redraw all 3D windows.

Save(filename, overwrite=0)

Save a Blender .blend file with the current program data or export to one of the builtin file formats.

Supported formats:
  • Blender (.blend);
  • DXF (.dxf);
  • STL (.stl);
  • Videoscape (.obj);
  • VRML 1.0 (.wrl).
filename - the filename for the file to be written. It must have one of the supported extensions or an error will be returned.
overwrite - if non-zero, file 'filename' will be overwritten if it already exists. By default existing files are not overwritten (an error is returned).
           (type=int (bool))


  • The substring ".B.blend" is not accepted inside 'filename'.
  • DXF, STL and Videoscape export only selected meshes.

Set(request, data)

Update settings in Blender.
request - The setting to change:
  • 'curframe': the current animation frame

data - The new value.

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Thu Aug 12 21:47:30 2004