Return the IpoCurve with the given name. The possible values for
'curvename' are:
Camera Ipo: Lens, ClSta, ClEnd.
Material Ipo: R, G, B, SpecR, SpecG, SpecB, MirR, MirG, MirB,
Ref, Alpha, Emit, Amb, Spec, Hard, SpTra, Ang, Mode, HaSize,
Translu, RayMir, FresMir, FresMirI, FresTra, FresTraI, TraGlow,
OfsX, OfsY, OfsZ, SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ, TexR, TexG, TexB, DefVar,
Col, Nor, Var.
Object Ipo: LocX, LocY, LocZ, dLocX, dLocY, dLocZ, RotX, RotY,
RotZ, dRotX, dRotY, dRotZ, SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ, dSizeX, dSizeY,
dSizeZ, Layer, Time, ColR, ColG, ColB, ColA, FStreng, FFOff,
Damping, RDamp, Perm.
Lamp Ipo: Energ, R, G, B, Dist, SpoSi, SpoBl, Quad1, Quad2,
World Ipo: HorR, HorG, HorB, ZenR, ZenG, ZenB, Expos, Misi,
MisDi, MisSta, MisHi, StaR, StaG, StaB, StarDi, StarSi, OfsX, OfsY,
OfsZ, SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ, TexR, TexG, TexB, DefVar, Col, Nor,
Texture Ipo: NSize, NDepth, NType, Turb, Vnw1, Vnw2, Vnw3, Vnw4,
MinkMExp, DistM, ColT, iScale, DistA, MgType, MgH, Lacu, Oct,
MgOff, MgGan, NBase1, NBase2.
Curve Ipo: Speed.
Key Ipo: Speed, 'Key 1' - 'Key 31'.
Action Ipo: LocX, LocY, LocZ, SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ, QuatX, QuatY,
QuatZ, QuatW.
Sequence Ipo: Fac.
Constraint Ipo: Inf.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
the corresponding IpoCurve, or None.
(type=IpoCurve object)