Module Image
[frames | no frames]

Module Image

The Blender.Image submodule.


New: Image.setFilename.

This module provides access to Image objects in Blender.

 import Blender
 from Blender import Image
 image = Image.Load("/path/to/my/image.png")    # load an image file
 print "Image from", image.getFilename(),
 print "loaded to obj", image.getName())
 image.setXRep(4)                               # set x tiling factor
 image.setYRep(2)                               # set y tiling factor
 print "All Images available now:", Image.Get()

Image This object gives access to Images in Blender.

Function Summary
Blender Image or a list of Blender Images Get(name)
Get the Image object(s) from Blender.
Blender Image GetCurrent()
Get the currently displayed Image from Blenders UV/Image window.
Blender Image Load(filename)
Load the image called 'filename' into an Image object.
Blender Image New(name, width, height, depth)
Create a new Image object.

Function Details


Get the Image object(s) from Blender.
name - The name of the Image object.
It depends on the name parameter:
  • (name): The Image object called name, None if not found;
  • (): A list with all Image objects in the current scene.

           (type=Blender Image or a list of Blender Images)


Get the currently displayed Image from Blenders UV/Image window. When multiple images are displayed, the last active UV/Image windows image is used.
The Current Blender Image, If there is no current image it returns None.
           (type=Blender Image)


Load the image called 'filename' into an Image object.
filename - The full path to the image file.
A Blender Image object with the data from filename.
           (type=Blender Image)

New(name, width, height, depth)

Create a new Image object.
name - The name of the new Image object.
width - The width of the new Image object, between 1 and 5000.
height - The height of the new Image object, between 1 and 5000.
depth - The colour depth of the new Image object. (8:Grey, 24:RGB, 32:RGBA). (Not implimented yet, all new images will be 24bit)
A new Blender Image object.
           (type=Blender Image)

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Thu Dec 22 22:38:14 2005