Module Ipo :: Class Ipo
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Class Ipo

The Ipo object

This object gives access to generic data from all objects in Blender. It has no attributes.
Method Summary
IpoCurve object addCurve(curvename)
Add a new curve to the Ipo object.
None delCurve(curvename)
Delete an existing curve from the Ipo object.
float EvaluateCurveOn(curvepos, time)
Gets the value at a specific time of a curve of the Ipo (deprecated).
list of 9 floats getBeztriple(curvepos, pointpos)
Gets a beztriple of the Ipo.
int getBlocktype()
Gets the blocktype of the Ipo.
IpoCurve object getCurve(curve)
Return the specified IpoCurve.
This method is unsupported.
float getCurveCurval(curvepos)
Gets the current value of a curve of the Ipo (deprecated).
list of IpoCurves getCurves()
Gets all the IpoCurves of the Ipo.
string getName()
Gets the name of the Ipo.
int getNcurves()
Gets the number of curves of the Ipo.
list of floats getRctf()
Gets the rctf of the Ipo.
None setBeztriple(curvepos, pointpos, newbeztriple)
Sets the beztriple of the Ipo.
None setBlocktype(newblocktype)
Sets the blocktype of the Ipo.
None setName(newname)
Sets the name of the Ipo.
None setRctf(newrctf)
Sets the rctf of the Ipo.

Method Details


Add a new curve to the Ipo object. The possible values for curvename are:
  1. Camera Ipo: Lens, ClSta, ClEnd, Apert, FDist.
  2. Material Ipo: R, G, B, SpecR, SpecG, SpecB, MirR, MirG, MirB, Ref, Alpha, Emit, Amb, Spec, Hard, SpTra, Ior, Mode, HaSize, Translu, RayMir, FresMir, FresMirI, FresTra, FresTraI, TraGlow, OfsX, OfsY, OfsZ, SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ, texR, texG, texB, DefVar, Col, Nor, Var, Disp.
  3. Object Ipo: LocX, LocY, LocZ, dLocX, dLocY, dLocZ, RotX, RotY, RotZ, dRotX, dRotY, dRotZ, SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ, dSizeX, dSizeY, dSizeZ, Layer, Time, ColR, ColG, ColB, ColA, FStreng, FFall, Damping, RDamp, Perm.
  4. Lamp Ipo: Energ, R, G, B, Dist, SpoSi, SpoBl, Quad1, Quad2, HaInt.
  5. World Ipo: HorR, HorG, HorB, ZenR, ZenG, ZenB, Expos, Misi, MisDi, MisSta, MisHi, StaR, StaG, StaB, StarDi, StarSi, OfsX, OfsY, OfsZ, SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ, TexR, TexG, TexB, DefVar, Col, Nor, Var.
  1. World Ipo: HorR, HorG, HorB, ZenR, ZenG, ZenB, Expos, Misi, MisDi, MisSta, MisHi, StarR, StarB, StarG, StarDi, StarSi, OfsX, OfsY, OfsZ,i SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ, texR, texG, texB, DefVar, Col, Nor, Var.
  2. Texture Ipo: NSize, NDepth, NType, Turb, Vnw1, Vnw2, Vnw3, Vnw4, MinkMExp, DistM, ColT, iScale, DistA, MgType, MgH, Lacu, Oct, MgOff, MgGain, NBase1, NBase2.
  3. Curve Ipo: Speed.
  4. Action Ipo: LocX, LocY, LocZ, SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ, QuatX, QuatY, QuatZ, QuatW.
  5. Sequence Ipo: Fac.
  6. Constraint Ipo: Inf.
the corresponding IpoCurve, or None.
           (type=IpoCurve object)
ValueError - curvename is not valid or already exists


Delete an existing curve from the Ipo object. See addCurve() for possible values for curvename.

EvaluateCurveOn(curvepos, time)

Gets the value at a specific time of a curve of the Ipo (deprecated). Note: new scripts should use IpoCurve.evaluate().
curvepos - the position of the curve in the Ipo.
time - the desired time.
the current value of the selected curve of the Ipo at the given time.

getBeztriple(curvepos, pointpos)

Gets a beztriple of the Ipo.
curvepos - the position of the curve in the Ipo.
pointpos - the position of the point in the curve.
the beztriple of the Ipo, or an error is raised.
           (type=list of 9 floats)


Gets the blocktype of the Ipo.
the blocktype of the Ipo.


Return the specified IpoCurve. If the curve does not exist in the Ipo, None is returned. curve can be either a string or an integer, denoting either the name of the Ipo curve or its internal adrcode. The possible Ipo curve names are:
  1. Camera Ipo: Lens, ClSta, ClEnd, Apert, FDist.
  2. Material Ipo: R, G, B, SpecR, SpecG, SpecB, MirR, MirG, MirB, Ref, Alpha, Emit, Amb, Spec, Hard, SpTra, Ior, Mode, HaSize, Translu, RayMir, FresMir, FresMirI, FresTra, FresTraI, TraGlow, OfsX, OfsY, OfsZ, SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ, texR, texG, texB, DefVar, Col, Nor, Var, Disp.
  3. Object Ipo: LocX, LocY, LocZ, dLocX, dLocY, dLocZ, RotX, RotY, RotZ, dRotX, dRotY, dRotZ, SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ, dSizeX, dSizeY, dSizeZ, Layer, Time, ColR, ColG, ColB, ColA, FStreng, FFall, Damping, RDamp, Perm.
  4. Lamp Ipo: Energ, R, G, B, Dist, SpoSi, SpoBl, Quad1, Quad2, HaInt.
  5. World Ipo: HorR, HorG, HorB, ZenR, ZenG, ZenB, Expos, Misi, MisDi, MisSta, MisHi, StaR, StaG, StaB, StarDi, StarSi, OfsX, OfsY, OfsZ, SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ, TexR, TexG, TexB, DefVar, Col, Nor, Var.
  1. World Ipo: HorR, HorG, HorB, ZenR, ZenG, ZenB, Expos, Misi, MisDi, MisSta, MisHi, StarR, StarB, StarG, StarDi, StarSi, OfsX, OfsY, OfsZ,i SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ, texR, texG, texB, DefVar, Col, Nor, Var.
  2. Texture Ipo: NSize, NDepth, NType, Turb, Vnw1, Vnw2, Vnw3, Vnw4, MinkMExp, DistM, ColT, iScale, DistA, MgType, MgH, Lacu, Oct, MgOff, MgGain, NBase1, NBase2.
  3. Curve Ipo: Speed.
  4. Action Ipo: LocX, LocY, LocZ, SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ, QuatX, QuatY, QuatZ, QuatW.
  5. Sequence Ipo: Fac.
  6. Constraint Ipo: Inf.
The adrcode for the Ipo curve can also be given; currently this is the only way to access curves for Key Ipos. The adrcodes for Key Ipo are numbered consecutively starting at 0.
           (type=string or int)
the corresponding IpoCurve, or None.
           (type=IpoCurve object)
ValueError - curve is not a valid name or adrcode for this Ipo type.


This method is unsupported. BPoint Ipo curves are not implemented. Calling this method throws a NotImplementedError exception.
NotImplementedError - this method always raises an exception


Gets the current value of a curve of the Ipo (deprecated). Note: new scripts should use IpoCurve.evaluate().
curvepos - the position of the curve in the Ipo or the name of the curve
           (type=int or string)
the current value of the selected curve of the Ipo.


Gets all the IpoCurves of the Ipo.
A list (possibly void) containing all the IpoCurves associated to the Ipo object.
           (type=list of IpoCurves)


Gets the name of the Ipo.
the name of the Ipo.


Gets the number of curves of the Ipo.
the number of curve of the Ipo.


Gets the rctf of the Ipo. Kind of bounding box...
the rctf of the Ipo.
           (type=list of floats)

setBeztriple(curvepos, pointpos, newbeztriple)

Sets the beztriple of the Ipo.
curvepos - the position of the curve in the Ipo.
pointpos - the position of the point in the curve.
newbeztriple - the new value for the point
           (type=list of 9 floats)


Sets the blocktype of the Ipo.

Warning: 'newblocktype' should not be changed unless you really know what you are doing ...


Sets the name of the Ipo.


Sets the rctf of the Ipo.
           (type=four floats.)

Warning: rctf should not be changed unless you really know what you are doing ...

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Thu Dec 22 22:38:14 2005