Module Sound
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Module Sound

The Blender.Sound submodule.


This module provides access to Sound objects in Blender.

 import Blender
 from Blender import Sound
 sound = Sound.Load("/path/to/my/sound.wav")    # load a sound file
 print "Sound from", sound.getFilename(),
 print "loaded to obj", sound.getName())
 print "All Sounds available now:", Sound.Get()
No way to get the actual audio data is provided by this library, but it is included in the Python standard library (module audioop). Note that using that module requires a full/normal Python installation.
Sound This object gives access to Sounds in Blender.

Function Summary
Blender Sound or a list of Blender Sounds Get(name)
Get the Sound object(s) from Blender.
Blender Sound Load(filename)
Load the sound called 'filename' into a Sound object.

Function Details


Get the Sound object(s) from Blender.
name - The name of the Sound object.
It depends on the name parameter:
  • (name): The Sound object called name, None if not found;
  • (): A list with all Sound objects in the current scene.

           (type=Blender Sound or a list of Blender Sounds)


Load the sound called 'filename' into a Sound object.
filename - The full path to the sound file.
A Blender Sound object with the data from filename.
           (type=Blender Sound)

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Thu Dec 22 22:38:13 2005