Add zero or more faces and edges to the mesh. Faces which already
exist in the mesh, or faces which contain the same vertex multiple
times are ignored. Sequences of two vertices are accepted, but no face
will be created.
import Blender
from Blender import Mesh
me = Mesh.Get("Plane") # get the mesh data called "Plane"
v = me.verts # get vertices
if len(v) >= 6: # if there are enough vertices...
me.faces.extend(v[1],v[2],v[3]) # add a single edge
me.faces.extend(l) # add another face
- Parameters:
vertseq -
either two to four ints or MVerts, or sequence (list or tuple)
of sequences each containing two to four ints or MVerts.
(type=sequence(s) of MVerts)
ignoreDups -
keyword parameter (default is False). If supplied and True, do
not check the input list or mesh for duplicate faces. This can
speed up scripts but can prossibly produce undesirable effects.
Only use if you know what you're doing.
indexList -
keyword parameter (default is False). If supplied and True,
the method will return a list representing the new index for each
face in the input list. If faces are removed as duplicates, None
is inserted in place of the index.
Warning: Faces using the first vertex at the 3rd or 4th location in the face's
vertex list will have their order rotated so that the zero index on in
the first or second location in the face. When creating face data with
UVs or vertex colors, you may need to work around this, either by
checking for zero indices yourself or by adding a dummy first vertex to
the mesh that can be removed when your script has finished.