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Module Texture :: Class Texture |
This object gives access to Texture-specific data in Blender.
Note that many of the attributes of this object are only relevant for specific texture types.Method Summary | |
string. |
Get the extend mode of the texture. |
Blender Image |
Get the Image associated with this texture (or None). |
string |
Get the name of this Texture object. |
string |
Get this Texture's type. |
Set the extend mode of this texture (only used for IMAGE textures) | |
Set this object's flags. | |
Set the Image of this texture. | |
Set the Image flags (only makes sense for IMAGE textures). | |
Set the name of this Texture object. | |
Set the SType. | |
Set this Texture's type. |
Instance Variable Summary | |
int | animFrames : Number of frames of a movie to use. |
int | animLength : Number of frames of a movie to use (0 for all). |
tuple of 4 (int,int) | animMontage : Montage mode, start frames and durations. |
int | animOffset : Offsets the number of the first movie frame to use. |
int | animStart : Starting frame of the movie to use. |
int | anti : Image anti-aliasing enabled. |
float | brightness : Changes the brightness of a texture's color. |
int | calcAlpha : Calculation of image's alpha channel enabled. |
float | contrast : Changes the contrast of a texture's color. |
tuple of 4 ints | crop : Sets the cropping extents (for image textures). |
int | cyclic : Looping of animated frames enabled. |
float | distAmnt : Amount of distortion (for distorted noise textures). |
int | distMetric : The distance metric (for Voronoi textures). |
float | exp : Minkovsky exponent (for Minkovsky Voronoi textures). |
int | extend : Texture's 'Extend' mode (for image textures). |
int | fields : Use of image's fields enabled. |
int | fieldsPerImage : Number of fields per rendered frame. |
float | filterSize : The filter size (for image and envmap textures). |
int | flags : Texture's 'Flag' bitfield. |
float | hFracDim : Highest fractional dimension (for Musgrave textures). |
Blender Image (or None) | image : Texture's image object. |
int | imageFlags : Texture's 'ImageFlags' bits. |
int | interpol : Interpolate image's pixels to fit texture mapping enabled. |
Blender Ipo | ipo : Texture Ipo data. |
float | iScale : Intensity output scale (for Musgrave and Voronoi textures). |
float | lacunarity : Gap between succesive frequencies (for Musgrave textures). |
int | mipmap : Mipmaps enabled. |
int | movie : Movie frames as images enabled. |
string | name : Texture data name. |
int | noiseBasis : Noise basis type (wood, stucci, marble, clouds, Musgrave,
distorted). |
int | noiseBasis2 : Additional noise basis type (wood, marble, distorted noise). |
int | noiseDepth : Noise depth (magic, marble, clouds). |
float | noiseSize : Noise size (wood, stucci, marble, clouds, Musgrave, distorted
noise). |
string | noiseType : Noise type (for wood, stucci, marble, clouds textures). |
int | normalMap : Use of image RGB values for normal mapping enabled. |
float | octs : Number of frequencies (for Musgrave textures). |
IDGroup |
properties : Returns an IDGroup reference to this texture's ID
Properties. |
tuple of 2 ints | repeat : Repetition multiplier (for image textures). |
tuple of 3 floats | rgbCol : RGB color tuple. |
int | rot90 : X/Y flip for rendering enabled. |
int | saw : Produce bands using saw wave (marble, wood textures). |
int | sine : Produce bands using sine wave (marble, wood textures). |
int | stField : Standard field deinterlacing enabled. |
int | stype : Texture's 'SType' mode. |
int | tri : Produce bands using triangle wave (marble, wood textures). |
float | turbulence : Turbulence (for magic, wood, stucci, marble textures). |
int | type : Texture's 'Type' mode. |
int | useAlpha : Use of image's alpha channel enabled. |
int | users : Number of texture users. |
float | weight1 : Weight 1 (for Voronoi textures). |
float | weight2 : Weight 2 (for Voronoi textures). |
float | weight3 : Weight 3 (for Voronoi textures). |
float | weight4 : Weight 4 (for Voronoi textures). |
Method Details |
getExtend()Get the extend mode of the texture. SeesetExtend .
getImage()Get the Image associated with this texture (or None).
getName()Get the name of this Texture object.
getType()Get this Texture's type. SeesetType .
setExtend(extendmode)Set the extend mode of this texture (only used for IMAGE textures)
setFlags(f1=None, f2=None, f3=None, f4=None)Set this object's flags.
setImage(image)Set the Image of this texture.
setImageFlags(f1=None, f2=None, f3=None, etc=None)Set the Image flags (only makes sense for IMAGE textures). Omitted flags are cleared.
setName(name)Set the name of this Texture object.
setSType(stype)Set the SType.
setType(type)Set this Texture's type.
Instance Variable Details |
animFramesNumber of frames of a movie to use. Value is clamped to the range [0,30000].
animLengthNumber of frames of a movie to use (0 for all). Value is clamped to the range [0,9000].
animMontageMontage mode, start frames and durations. Example:(
(fra1,dur1), (fra2,dur2), (fra3,dur3), (fra4,dur4) ) .
animOffsetOffsets the number of the first movie frame to use. Value is clamped to the range [-9000,9000].
animStartStarting frame of the movie to use. Value is clamped to the range [1,9000].
antiImage anti-aliasing enabled. Also seeImageFlags .
brightnessChanges the brightness of a texture's color. Value is clamped to the range [0.0,2.0].
calcAlphaCalculation of image's alpha channel enabled. Also seeImageFlags .
contrastChanges the contrast of a texture's color. Value is clamped to the range [0.01,5.0].
cropSets the cropping extents (for image textures).
cyclicLooping of animated frames enabled. Also seeImageFlags .
distAmntAmount of distortion (for distorted noise textures). Value is clamped to the range [0.0,10.0].
distMetricThe distance metric (for Voronoi textures).
expMinkovsky exponent (for Minkovsky Voronoi textures). Value is clamped to the range [0.01,10.0].
extendTexture's 'Extend' mode (for image textures). SeeExtendModes .
fieldsUse of image's fields enabled. Also seeImageFlags .
fieldsPerImageNumber of fields per rendered frame. Value is clamped to the range [1,200].
filterSizeThe filter size (for image and envmap textures). Value is clamped to the range [0.1,25.0].
flagsTexture's 'Flag' bitfield. SeeFlags . bitmask.
hFracDimHighest fractional dimension (for Musgrave textures). Value is clamped to the range [0.0001,2.0].
imageTexture's image object.
imageFlagsTexture's 'ImageFlags' bits.
interpolInterpolate image's pixels to fit texture mapping enabled. Also seeImageFlags .
ipoTexture Ipo data. Contains the Ipo if one is assigned to the object, None otherwise. Setting to None clears the current Ipo..
iScaleIntensity output scale (for Musgrave and Voronoi textures). Value is clamped to the range [0.0,10.0].
lacunarityGap between succesive frequencies (for Musgrave textures). Value is clamped to the range [0.0,6.0].
mipmapMipmaps enabled. Also seeImageFlags .
movieMovie frames as images enabled. Also seeImageFlags .
nameTexture data name.
noiseBasisNoise basis type (wood, stucci, marble, clouds, Musgrave, distorted). SeeNoise dictionary.
noiseBasis2Additional noise basis type (wood, marble, distorted noise). SeeNoise
noiseDepthNoise depth (magic, marble, clouds). Value is clamped to the range [0,6].
noiseSizeNoise size (wood, stucci, marble, clouds, Musgrave, distorted noise). Value is clamped to the range [0.0001,2.0].
noiseTypeNoise type (for wood, stucci, marble, clouds textures). Valid values are 'hard' or 'soft'.
normalMapUse of image RGB values for normal mapping enabled. Also seeImageFlags .
octsNumber of frequencies (for Musgrave textures). Value is clamped to the range [0.0,8.0].
propertiesReturns anIDGroup reference to this texture's ID
repeatRepetition multiplier (for image textures).
rgbColRGB color tuple.
rot90X/Y flip for rendering enabled. Also seeImageFlags .
sawProduce bands using saw wave (marble, wood textures). Also seeNoise .
sineProduce bands using sine wave (marble, wood textures). Also seeNoise .
stFieldStandard field deinterlacing enabled. Also seeImageFlags .
stypeTexture's 'SType' mode. SeeSTypes .
triProduce bands using triangle wave (marble, wood textures). Also seeNoise .
turbulenceTurbulence (for magic, wood, stucci, marble textures). Value is clamped to the range [0.0,200.0].
typeTexture's 'Type' mode. SeeTypes . Value must be in the range
useAlphaUse of image's alpha channel enabled. Also seeImageFlags .
usersNumber of texture users. Read-only.
weight1Weight 1 (for Voronoi textures). Value is clamped to the range [-2.0,2.0].
weight2Weight 2 (for Voronoi textures). Value is clamped to the range [-2.0,2.0].
weight3Weight 3 (for Voronoi textures). Value is clamped to the range [-2.0,2.0].
weight4Weight 4 (for Voronoi textures). Value is clamped to the range [-2.0,2.0].
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