Module World
[frames | no frames]

Module World

The Blender.World submodule

New: World.clearScriptLinks accepts a parameter now.


The module world allows you to access all the data of a Blender World.

 import Blender
 w = Blender.Get('World') #assume there exists a world named "world"
 print w.getName()
 w.hor = [1,1,.2]
 print w.getHor()
 import Blender
 from Blender import *

 AllWorlds = Blender.World.Get()  # returns a list of created world objects
 AvailWorlds = len(AllWorlds)  #       returns the number of available world objects
 PropWorld = dir(AllWorlds[0]) # returns the properties of the class world
 NameWorld = AllWorlds[0].getName() # get name of the first world object

 MiType = AllWorlds[0].getMistype()    # get kind of mist from the first world object
 MiParam = AllWorlds[0].getMist()      # get the parameters intensity, start, end and height of the mist

 HorColor = AllWorlds[0].getHor()      # horizon color of the first world object
 HorColorR = HorColor[0]               # get the red channel (RGB) of the horizon color

 ZenColor = AllWorlds[0].getZen()      # zenith color of the first world object
 ZenColorB = ZenColor[2]               # get the blue channel (RGB) of the Zenith color

 blending = AllWorlds[0].getSkytype() # get the blending modes (real, blend, paper) of the first world object

World This object gives access to generic data from all worlds in Blender.

Function Summary
Blender World or a list of Blender Worlds Get(name)
Get an World from Blender.
Blender World or None GetCurrent()
Get the active world of the scene.
Blender World New(name)
Creates a new World.

Function Details


Get an World from Blender.
name - The name of the world to retrieve.
  • (name): The World corresponding to the name
  • (): A list with all Worlds in the current scene.

           (type=Blender World or a list of Blender Worlds)


Get the active world of the scene.
Blender World or None


Creates a new World.
name - World's name (optional).
The created World. If the "name" parameter has not been provided, it will be automatically be set by blender.
           (type=Blender World)

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Sun Feb 11 13:30:19 2007