Module Curve
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Module Curve

The Blender.Curve submodule.

Curve Data

This module provides access to Curve Data objects in Blender.

A Blender Curve Data consists of multiple CurNurb(s). Try converting a Text object to a Curve to see an example of this. Each curve is of type Bezier or Nurb. The underlying CurNurb(s) can be accessed with the [] operator. Operator [] returns an object of type CurNurb.

Note that CurNurb can be used to acces a curve of any type (Poly, Bezier or Nurb)

The Curve module also supports the Python iterator interface. This means you can access the CurNurb(s) in a Curve and the control points in a CurNurb using a Python for statement.

Add a Curve to a Scene Example:
       from Blender import Curve, Object, Scene
       cu = Curve.New()             # create new  curve data
       scn = Scene.GetCurrent()    # get current scene
       ob =     # make a new curve from the curve data
Iterator Example:
       from Blender import Curve, Object, Scene
       scn = Scene.GetCurrent()    # get current scene
       ob =
       curvedata =
       for curnurb in curvedata:
               print type( curnurb ), curnurb
               for point in curnurb:
                       print type( point ), point
Creating a Curve from a list of Vec triples Examples:
       from Blender import *
       def bezList2Curve(bezier_vecs):
               Take a list or vector triples and converts them into a bezier curve object
               def bezFromVecs(vecs):
                       Bezier triple from 3 vecs, shortcut functon
                       bt= BezTriple.New(                      vecs[0].x, vecs[0].y, vecs[0].z,                        vecs[1].x, vecs[1].y, vecs[1].z,                        vecs[2].x, vecs[2].y, vecs[2].z)
                       bt.handleTypes= (BezTriple.HandleTypes.FREE, BezTriple.HandleTypes.FREE)
                       return bt
               # Create the curve data with one point
               cu= Curve.New()
               cu.appendNurb(bezFromVecs(bezier_vecs[0])) # We must add with a point to start with
               cu_nurb= cu[0] # Get the first curve just added in the CurveData
               i= 1 # skip first vec triple because it was used to init the curve
               while i<len(bezier_vecs):
                       bt_vec_triple= bezier_vecs[i]
                       bt= bezFromVecs(bt_vec_triple)
               # Add the Curve into the scene
               scn= Scene.GetCurrent()
               ob =
               return ob

CurNurb This object provides access to the control points of the curves that make up a Blender Curve ObData.
Curve This object gives access to Curve and Surface data linked from Blender Objects.
SurfNurb This object provides access to the control points of the surfaces that make up a Blender Curve.

Function Summary
Blender Curve or a list of Blender Curves Get(name)
Get the Curve Data object(s) from Blender.
Blender Curve New(name)
Create a new Curve Data object.

Function Details


Get the Curve Data object(s) from Blender.
name - The name of the Curve Data.
It depends on the 'name' parameter:
  • (name): The Curve Data object with the given name;
  • (): A list with all Curve Data objects in the current scene.

           (type=Blender Curve or a list of Blender Curves)


Create a new Curve Data object.
name - The Curve Data name.
The created Curve Data object.
           (type=Blender Curve)

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Thu May 10 20:31:59 2007