Module Armature :: Class Editbone
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Class Editbone

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The Editbone Object

This object is a wrapper for editbone data and is used only in the manipulation of the armature in editmode.

Instance Methods [hide private]
Whether or not this bone has a parent
source code
Set the parent to None
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Instance Variables [hide private]
Float deformDist
The deform distance of the bone
Vector Object head
This Bone's "head" ending position when in rest state (armaturespace).
Float headRadius
The radius of this bones head (used for envalope bones)
Float length
The length of the bone.
Matrix Object matrix
This Bone's matrix.
String name
The name of this Bone.
List of Constants options
Various bone options which can be:
Editbone Object parent
The parent Bone.
Float roll
This Bone's roll value (armaturespace).
Int subdivision
The number of bone subdivisions.
Vector Object tail
This Bone's "tail" ending position when in rest state (armaturespace).
Float tailRadius
The radius of this bones head (used for envalope bones)
Float weight
The bone's weight.
Instance Variable Details [hide private]


The length of the bone. This cannot be set.


This Bone's matrix. (armaturespace)
Matrix Object


Various bone options which can be:
  • Armature.CONNECTED: IK to parent
  • Armature.HINGE: No parent rotation or scaling
  • Armature.NO_DEFORM: The bone does not deform geometry
  • Armature.MULTIPLY: Multiply vgroups by envelope
  • Armature.HIDDEN_EDIT: Hide bones in editmode
  • Armature.ROOT_SELECTED: Selection of root ball of bone
  • Armature.BONE_SELECTED: Selection of bone
  • Armature.TIP_SELECTED: Selection of tip ball of bone
List of Constants