3 """
4 The Blender.Curve submodule.
6 Curve Data
7 ==========
9 This module provides access to B{Curve Data} objects in Blender.
11 A Blender Curve Data consists of multiple L{CurNurb}(s). Try converting a Text object to a Curve to see an example of this. Each curve is of
12 type Bezier or Nurb. The underlying L{CurNurb}(s) can be accessed with
13 the [] operator. Operator [] returns an object of type L{CurNurb}. Removing a L{CurNurb} can be done this way too. del curve[0] removes the first curve.
15 Note that L{CurNurb} can be used to acces a curve of any type (Poly, Bezier or Nurb)
17 The Curve module also supports the Python iterator interface. This means you
18 can access the L{CurNurb}(s) in a Curve and the control points in a L{CurNurb} using a
19 Python B{for} statement.
22 Add a Curve to a Scene Example::
23 from Blender import Curve, Object, Scene
24 cu = Curve.New() # create new curve data
25 scn = Scene.GetCurrent() # get current scene
26 ob = scn.objects.new(cu) # make a new curve from the curve data
28 Iterator Example::
29 from Blender import Curve, Object, Scene
30 scn = Scene.GetCurrent() # get current scene
31 ob = scn.objects.active
32 curvedata = ob.data
33 for curnurb in curvedata:
34 print type( curnurb ), curnurb
35 for point in curnurb:
36 print type( point ), point
38 Creating a Curve from a list of Vec triples Examples::
39 from Blender import *
40 def bezList2Curve(bezier_vecs):
41 '''
42 Take a list or vector triples and converts them into a bezier curve object
43 '''
45 def bezFromVecs(vecs):
46 '''
47 Bezier triple from 3 vecs, shortcut functon
48 '''
49 bt= BezTriple.New(\
50 vecs[0].x, vecs[0].y, vecs[0].z,\
51 vecs[1].x, vecs[1].y, vecs[1].z,\
52 vecs[2].x, vecs[2].y, vecs[2].z)
54 bt.handleTypes= (BezTriple.HandleTypes.FREE, BezTriple.HandleTypes.FREE)
56 return bt
58 # Create the curve data with one point
59 cu= Curve.New()
60 cu.appendNurb(bezFromVecs(bezier_vecs[0])) # We must add with a point to start with
61 cu_nurb= cu[0] # Get the first curve just added in the CurveData
64 i= 1 # skip first vec triple because it was used to init the curve
65 while i<len(bezier_vecs):
66 bt_vec_triple= bezier_vecs[i]
67 bt= bezFromVecs(bt_vec_triple)
68 cu_nurb.append(bt)
69 i+=1
71 # Add the Curve into the scene
72 scn= Scene.GetCurrent()
73 ob = scn.objects.new(cu)
74 return ob
75 """
78 """
79 Create a new Curve Data object.
80 @type name: string
81 @param name: The Curve Data name.
82 @rtype: Blender Curve
83 @return: The created Curve Data object.
84 """
86 -def Get (name = None):
87 """
88 Get the Curve Data object(s) from Blender.
89 @type name: string
90 @param name: The name of the Curve Data.
91 @rtype: Blender Curve or a list of Blender Curves
92 @return: It depends on the 'name' parameter:
93 - (name): The Curve Data object with the given name;
94 - (): A list with all Curve Data objects in the current scene.
95 """
98 """
99 The Curve Data object
100 =====================
101 This object gives access to Curve and Surface data linked from Blender Objects.
103 @ivar name: The Curve Data name.
104 @type name: string
105 @ivar pathlen: The Curve Data path length, used to set the number of frames for an animation (not the physical length).
106 @type pathlen: int
107 @ivar totcol: The Curve Data maximal number of linked materials. Read-only.
108 @type totcol: int
109 @ivar flag: The Curve Data flag value; see L{getFlag()} for the semantics.
110 @ivar bevresol: The Curve Data bevel resolution. [0 - 32]
111 @type bevresol: int
112 @ivar resolu: The Curve Data U-resolution (used for curve and surface resolution) [0 - 1024].
113 @type resolu: int
114 @ivar resolv: The Curve Data V-resolution (used for surface resolution) [0 - 1024].
115 @type resolv: int
116 @ivar width: The Curve Data width [0 - 2].
117 @type width: float
118 @ivar ext1: The Curve Data extent1 Called "Extrude" in the user interface (for bevels only).
119 @type ext1: float
120 @ivar ext2: The Curve Data extent2 - Called "Bevel Depth" in the user interface (for bevels only).
121 @type ext2: float
122 @ivar loc: The Curve Data location(from the center).
123 @type loc: list of 3 floats
124 @ivar rot: The Curve Data rotation(from the center).
125 @type rot: list of 3 floats
126 @ivar size: The Curve Data size(from the center).
127 @type size: list of 3 floats
128 @ivar bevob: The Curve Bevel Object
129 @type bevob: Blender L{Object<Object.Object>} or None
130 @ivar taperob: The Curve Taper Object
131 @type taperob: Blender L{Object<Object.Object>} or None
132 @ivar key: The Key object associated with this Curve, if any.
133 @type key: Blender L{Key<Key.Key>}
134 @ivar materials: The curves's materials. Each curve can reference up to
135 16 materials. Empty slots in the curve's list are represented by B{None}.
136 B{Note}: L{Object.colbits<Object.Object.colbits>} needs to be set correctly
137 for each object in order for these materials to be used instead of
138 the object's materials.
139 B{Note}: The list that's returned is I{not} linked to the original curve.
140 curve.materials.append(material) won't do anything.
141 Use curve.materials += [material] instead.
142 @type materials: list of L{Material}s
143 """
146 """
147 Get the name of this Curve Data object.
148 @rtype: string
149 """
152 """
153 Set the name of this Curve Data object.
154 @rtype: None
155 @type name: string
156 @param name: The new name.
157 """
160 """
161 Get this Curve's path frame length, used for an animated path.
162 @rtype: int
163 @return: the path length.
164 """
167 """
168 Set this Curve's path length.
169 @rtype: None
170 @type len: int
171 @param len: the new curve's length.
172 """
175 """
176 Get the number of materials linked to the Curve.
177 @rtype: int
178 @return: number of materials linked.
179 """
182 """
183 Set the number of materials linked to the Curve. B{Note}: this method
184 will probably be deprecated in the future.
185 @rtype: None
186 @type totcol: int
187 @param totcol: number of materials linked.
188 @warn: It is not advisable to use this method unless you know what you
189 are doing; it's possible to
190 corrupt a .blend file if you don't know what you're doing. If you want
191 to change the number of materials, use the L{materials} attribute.
192 """
195 """
196 Get the Curve flag value.
197 This item is a bitfield whose value is a combination of the following parameters.
198 - Bit 0 : "3D" is set
199 - Bit 1 : "Front" is set
200 - Bit 2 : "Back" is set
201 - Bit 3 : "CurvePath" is set.
202 - Bit 4 : "CurveFollow" is set.
204 @rtype: integer bitfield
205 """
208 """
209 Set the Curve flag value. The flag corresponds to the Blender settings for 3D, Front, Back, CurvePath and CurveFollow. This parameter is a bitfield.
210 @rtype: None
211 @type val: integer bitfield
212 @param val : The Curve's flag bits. See L{getFlag} for the meaning of the individual bits.
213 """
216 """
217 Get the Curve's bevel resolution value.
218 @rtype: float
219 """
222 """
223 Set the Curve's bevel resolution value.
224 @rtype: None
225 @type bevelresol: float
226 @param bevelresol: The new Curve's bevel resolution value.
227 """
230 """
231 Get the Curve's U-resolution value.
232 @rtype: float
233 """
236 """
237 Set the Curve's U-resolution value. [0 - 1024]
238 This is used for surfaces and curves.
239 @rtype: None
240 @type resolu: float
241 @param resolu: The new Curve's U-resolution value.
242 """
245 """
246 Get the Curve's V-resolution value.
247 @rtype: float
248 """
251 """
252 Set the Curve's V-resolution value. [0 - 1024].
253 This is used for surfaces only.
254 @rtype: None
255 @type resolv: float
256 @param resolv: The new Curve's V-resolution value.
257 """
260 """
261 Get the Curve's width value.
262 @rtype: float
263 """
266 """
267 Set the Curve's width value.
268 @rtype: None
269 @type width: float
270 @param width: The new Curve's width value.
271 """
274 """
275 Get the Curve's ext1 value.
276 @rtype: float
277 """
280 """
281 Set the Curve's ext1 value.
282 @rtype: None
283 @type ext1: float
284 @param ext1: The new Curve's ext1 value.
285 """
288 """
289 Get the Curve's ext2 value.
290 @rtype: float
291 """
294 """
295 Set the Curve's ext2 value.
296 @rtype: None
297 @type ext2: float
298 @param ext2: The new Curve's ext2 value.
299 """
302 """
303 Get the curve's control point value (B{deprecated}). The numpoint arg
304 is an index into the list of points and starts with 0. B{Note}: new
305 scripts should use the [] operator on Curves and CurNurbs. Example::
306 curve = Blender.Curve.Get('Curve')
307 p0 = curve[0][0] # get first point from first nurb
308 # -- OR --
309 nurb = curve[0] # get first nurb
310 p0 = nurb[0] # get nurb's first point
312 @type numcurve: int
313 @type numpoint: int
314 @rtype: list of floats
315 @return: depends upon the curve's type.
316 - type Bezier : a list of nine floats. Values are x, y, z for handle-1, vertex and handle-2
317 - type Nurb : a list of 4 floats. Values are x, y, z, w.
319 """
322 """
323 Set the Curve's controlpoint value. The numpoint arg is an index into the list of points and starts with 0.
324 @rtype: None
325 @type numcurve: int
326 @type numpoint: int
327 @type controlpoint: list
328 @param numcurve: index for spline in Curve, starting from 0
329 @param numpoint: index for point in spline, starting from 0
330 @param controlpoint: The new controlpoint value.
331 See L{getControlPoint} for the length of the list.
332 """
335 """
336 Add a new control point to the indicated curve (B{deprecated}).
337 New scripts should use L{CurNurb.append()}.
338 @rtype: None
339 @type numcurve: int
340 @type new_control_point: list of floats or BezTriple
341 @param numcurve: index for spline in Curve, starting from 0
342 @param new_control_point: depends on curve's type.
343 - type Bezier: a BezTriple
344 - type Nurb: a list of four or five floats for the xyzw values
345 @raise AttributeError: throws exception if numcurve is out of range.
346 """
349 """
350 add a new curve to this Curve. The new point is added to the new curve. Blender does not support a curve with zero points. The new curve is added to the end of the list of curves in the Curve.
351 @rtype: CurNurb
352 @return: the newly added spline
353 @type new_point: BezTriple or list of xyzw coordinates for a Nurb curve.
354 @param new_point: see L{CurNurb.append} for description of parameter.
355 """
358 """
359 Get the curve's location value.
360 @rtype: a list of 3 floats.
361 """
364 """
365 Set the curve's location value.
366 @rtype: None
367 @type location: list[3]
368 @param location: The new Curve's location values.
369 """
372 """
373 Get the curve's rotation value.
374 @rtype: a list of 3 floats.
375 """
378 """
379 Set the Curve's rotation value.
380 @rtype: None
381 @type rotation: list[3]
382 @param rotation: The new Curve's rotation values.
383 """
386 """
387 Get the curve's size value.
388 @rtype: a list of 3 floats.
389 """
392 """
393 Set the curve size value.
394 @rtype: None
395 @type size: list[3]
396 @param size: The new Curve's size values.
397 """
400 """
401 Returns a list of materials assigned to the Curve.
402 @rtype: list of Material Objects
403 @return: list of Material Objects assigned to the Curve.
404 """
407 """
408 Returns the Bevel Object (BevOb) assigned to the Curve.
409 @rtype: Blender Object or None
410 @return: Bevel Object (BevOb) assigned to the Curve.
411 """
414 """
415 Assign a Bevel Object (BevOb) to the Curve. Passing None as the object parameter removes the bevel.
416 @rtype: None
417 @return: None
418 @type object: Curve type Blender Object
419 @param object: Blender Object to assign as Bevel Object (BevOb)
420 @raise TypeError: throws exception if the parameter is not a Curve type Blender Object or None
421 """
424 """
425 Returns the Taper Object (TaperOb) assigned to the Curve.
426 @rtype: Blender Object or None
427 @return: Taper Object (TaperOb) assigned to the Curve.
428 """
431 """
432 Assign a Taper Object (TaperOb) to the Curve. Passing None as the object parameter removes the taper.
433 @rtype: None
434 @return: None
435 @type object: Curve type Blender Object
436 @param object: Blender Object to assign as Taper Object (TaperOb)
437 @raise TypeError: throws exception if the parameter is not a Curve type Blender Object or None
438 """
441 """
442 Updates display list for a Curve.
443 Used after making changes to control points.
444 You B{must} use this if you want to see your changes!
445 @rtype: None
446 @return: None
447 """
450 """
451 Tells type of a CurNurb (B{deprecated}).
452 New scripts should use L{CurNurb.isNurb()}.
454 @rtype: integer
455 @return: Zero if curve is type Bezier, one if curve is of type Nurb.
456 @type curve_num: integer
457 @param curve_num: zero-based index into list of curves in this Curve.
458 @raise AttributeError: throws exception if curve_num is out of range.
459 """
462 """
463 Tells whether or not a CurNurb is cyclic (closed) (B{deprecated}).
464 New scripts should use L{CurNurb.isCyclic()}.
466 @rtype: boolean
467 @return: True if is cyclic, False if not
468 @type curve_num: integer
469 @param curve_num: zero-based index into list of curves in this Curve
470 @raise AttributeError: throws exception if curve_num is out of range.
471 """
474 """
475 Reverse the direction of a curve.
476 @return: None
478 I{B{Example:}}
479 # This example switches the direction of all curves on the active object.
480 from Blender import *
481 scn = Scene.GetCurrent()
482 ob = scn.objects.active # must be a curve
483 data = ob.data
484 for cu in data: cu.switchDirection()
485 """
488 """
489 Get the number of curves in this Curve Data object.
490 @rtype: integer
491 """
494 """
495 Get the number of control points in the curve (B{deprecated}).
496 New scripts should use the len operator (I{len(curve)}).
497 @type curve_num: integer
498 @param curve_num: zero-based index into list of curves in this Curve
499 @rtype: integer
500 """
503 """
504 Return the L{Key<Key.Key>} object containing the keyframes for this
505 curve, if any.
506 @rtype: L{Key<Key.Key>} object or None
507 """
510 """
511 Recalculate control point handles after a curve has been changed.
512 @rtype: None
513 """
516 """
517 Make a copy of this curve
518 @rtype: Curve
519 @return: a copy of this curve
520 """
523 """
524 The CurNurb Object
525 ==================
526 This object provides access to the control points of the curves that make up a Blender Curve ObData.
528 The CurNurb supports the python iterator protocol which means you can use a python for statement to access the points in a curve.
530 The CurNurb also supports the sequence protocol which means you can access the control points of a CurNurb using the [] operator.
532 Note that CurNurb is used for accesing poly, bezier and nurbs type curves.
534 @ivar flagU: The CurNurb knot flag U. See L{setFlagU} for description.
535 @type flagU: int
536 @ivar flagV: The CurNurb knot flag V. See L{setFlagU} for description.
537 @type flagV: int
538 @ivar orderU: The CurNurb knot order U, for nurbs curves only, this is clamped by the number of points, so the orderU will never be greater.
539 @type orderU: int
540 @ivar type: The type of the curve (Poly: 0, Bezier: 1, NURBS: 4)
541 @type type: int
542 @ivar knotsU: The knot vector in the U direction. The tuple will be empty
543 if the curve isn't a NURB or doesn't have knots in this direction.
544 @type knotsU: tuple of floats
545 @ivar knotsV: The knot vector in the V direction. The tuple will be empty
546 if the curve isn't a NURB or doesn't have knots in this direction.
547 @type knotsV: tuple of floats
548 @ivar smooth: Set the smoothing for this curve (applies to cuve objects that have a bevel)
549 @type smooth: bool
550 """
553 """
554 Replace the Nth point in the curve. The type of the argument must match the type of the curve. List of 4 floats (optional 5th float is the tilt value in radians) for Nurbs or BezTriple for Bezier.
555 @rtype: None
556 @return: None
557 @type n: integer
558 @param n: the index of the element to replace
559 @type point: BezTriple or list of 4 floats (optional 5th float is the tilt value in radians)
560 @param point: the point that will replace the one in the curve. The point can be either a BezTriple type or a list of 4 floats in x,y,z,w (optionally tilt in radians as 5th value) format for a Nurb curve.
561 """
564 """
565 Get the Nth element in the curve. For Bezier curves, that element is a BezTriple. For the rest (Poly and Nurbs), it is a list of 5 floats: x, y, z, weight, tilt (in radians). NOTE 1: This element is independent on the curve, modifying it will not affect the curve. NOTE 2: Each successive call returns a new object.
566 @rtype: BezTriple (Bezier Curve) or List of 5 floats [x, y, z, w, t] for Poly or Nurbs
567 @return: The Nth element in the curve
568 @type n: integer
569 @param n: the index of the element to return
570 """
573 """
574 Appends a new point to a curve. This method appends points to both Bezier and Nurb curves. The type of the argument must match the type of the curve. List of 4 floats (optional 5th float is the tilt value in radians) for Nurbs or BezTriple for Bezier.
575 @rtype: None
576 @return: None
577 @type new_point: BezTriple or list of 4 floats (optional 5th float is the tilt value in radians)
578 @param new_point: the new point to be appended to the curve. The new point can be either a BezTriple type or a list of 4 floats in x,y,z,w (optionally tilt in radians as 5th value) format for a Nurb curve.
579 """
582 """
583 Sets the Material index for this CurNurb.
584 @rtype: None
585 @return: None
586 @type index: integer
587 @param index: the new value for the Material number of this CurNurb. No range checking is done.
588 """
591 """
592 Returns the Material index for this CurNurb.
593 @rtype: integer
594 @return: integer
595 """
598 """
599 Boolean method used to determine whether a CurNurb is of type Bezier or of type Nurb.
600 @rtype: boolean
601 @return: True or False
602 """
605 """
606 Boolean method checks whether a CurNurb is cyclic (a closed curve) or not.
607 @rtype: boolean
608 @return: True or False
609 """
612 """
613 Get the CurNurb knot flag U.
614 @rtype: integer
615 @return: See L{setFlagU} for description of return value.
616 """
619 """
620 Set the entire CurNurb knot flag U (knots are recalculated automatically).
621 The flag can be one of six values:
622 - 0 or 1: uniform knots
623 - 2 or 3: endpoints knots
624 - 4 or 5: bezier knots
625 Bit 0 controls whether or not the curve is cyclic (1 = cyclic).
626 @type flag: integer
627 @param flag: CurNurb knot flag
628 @rtype: None
629 @return: None
630 """
633 """
634 Get the CurNurb knot flag V.
635 @rtype: integer
636 @return: See L{setFlagU} for description of return value.
637 """
640 """
641 Set the CurNurb knot flag V (knots are recalculated automatically).
642 @type value: integer
643 @param value: See L{setFlagU} for description of return.
644 @rtype: None
645 @return: None
646 """
649 """
650 Get the type of the curve.
651 @rtype: integer
652 @return: 0 - Poly, 1 - Bezier, 4 - NURBS
653 """
656 """
657 Set the type of the curve and converts the curve to its new type if needed
658 @type value: integer
659 @param value: CurNurb type flag (0 - Poly, 1 - Bezier, 4 - NURBS)
660 @rtype: None
661 @return: None
662 """
665 """
666 The SurfNurb Object
667 ===================
668 This object provides access to the control points of the surfaces that make
669 up a Blender Curve.
671 The SurfNurb supports the Python iterator and sequence protocols which
672 means you can use a python B{for} statement or [] operator to access the
673 points in a surface. Points are accessed linearly; for a N-by-M UV surface,
674 the first N control points correspond to V=0, then second N to V=1, and so
675 on.
677 @ivar flagU: The knot flag U. Changing the knot type automatically
678 recalculates the knots. The flag can be one of three values:
679 - 0 : uniform knots
680 - 1 : endpoints knots
681 - 2 : bezier knots
682 @type flagU: int
683 @ivar flagV: The knot flag V. See L{flagU} for description.
684 @type flagV: int
685 @ivar pointsU: The number of control points in the U direction (read only).
686 @type pointsU: int
687 @ivar pointsV: The number of control points in the V direction (read only).
688 @type pointsV: int
689 @ivar cyclicU: The cyclic setting for the U direction (True = cyclic).
690 @type cyclicU: boolean
691 @ivar cyclicV: The cyclic setting for the V direction (True = cyclic).
692 @type cyclicV: boolean
693 @ivar orderU: The order setting for the U direction. Values are clamped
694 to the range [2:6] and not greater than the U dimension.
695 @type orderU: int
696 @ivar orderV: The order setting for the V direction. Values are clamped
697 to the range [2:6] and not greater than the V dimension.
698 @type orderV: int
699 @ivar knotsU: The The knot vector in the U direction
700 @type knotsU: tuple
701 @ivar knotsV: The The knot vector in the V direction
702 @type knotsV: tuple
703 """
706 """
707 Set the Nth control point in the surface.
708 @rtype: None
709 @return: None
710 @type n: integer
711 @param n: the index of the point to replace
712 @type point: list of 4 floats (optional 5th float is the tilt value
713 in radians)
714 @param point: the point that will replace the one in the curve. The
715 point is list of 4 floats in x,y,z,w (optionally tilt in radians as
716 5th value) format.
717 """
720 """
721 Get the Nth control point in the surface.
722 @rtype: List of 5 floats [x, y, z, w, t] for Poly or Nurbs
723 @return: The Nth point in the curve
724 @type n: integer
725 @param n: the index of the point to return
726 @note: This returned value is independent on the curve; modifying it will not affect the curve.
727 @note: Each successive call returns a new object.
728 """