Module Key
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Source Code for Module Key

  1  # Blender.Key module and the Key and KeyBlock PyType objects 
  3  """ 
  4  The Blender.Key submodule. 
  6  This module provides access to B{Key} objects in Blender. 
  8  @type Types: readonly dictionary 
  9  @var Types: The type of a key owner, indicating the type of data in the 
 10  data blocks. 
 11          - MESH - the key is a Mesh key; data blocks contain 
 12          L{NMVert<NMesh.NMVert>} vertices. 
 13          - CURVE - the key is a Curve key; data blocks contains either 
 14          L{BezTriples<BezTriple.BezTriple>} or points (represented by a list of 
 15          3 floating point numbers). 
 16          - LATTICE - the key is a Lattice key; data blocks contain 
 17          BPoints, each point represented by a list of 3 floating point numbers. 
 18  """ 
20 -def Get(name = None):
21 """ 22 Get the named Key object from Blender. If the name is omitted, it 23 will retrieve a list of all keys in Blender. 24 @type name: string 25 @param name: the name of the requested key 26 @return: If name was given, return that Key object (or None if not 27 found). If a name was not given, return a list of every Key object 28 in Blender. 29 """
31 -class Key:
32 """ 33 The Key object 34 ============== 35 An object with keyframes (L{Lattice}, L{NMesh} or 36 L{Curve}) will contain a Key object representing the 37 keyframe data. 38 39 @ivar ipo: Key Ipo. Contains the Ipo if one is assigned to the 40 object, B{None} otherwise. Setting to B{None} clears the current Ipo. 41 @type ipo: Blender Ipo 42 @ivar value: The value of the key. Read-only. 43 @type value: float 44 @ivar type: An integer from the L{Types} dictionary 45 representing the Key type. Read-only. 46 @type type: int 47 @ivar blocks: A list of KeyBlocks for the key. Read-only. 48 @type blocks: Blender KeyBlock. 49 @ivar relative: Indicates whether the key is relative(=True) or normal. 50 @type relative: bool 51 """ 52
53 - def getIpo():
54 """ 55 Get the L{Ipo} object associated with this key. 56 """
57 - def getBlocks():
58 """ 59 Get a list of L{KeyBlock}s, containing the keyframes defined for 60 this Key. 61 """
63 -class KeyBlock:
64 """ 65 The KeyBlock object 66 =================== 67 Each Key object has a list of KeyBlocks attached, each KeyBlock 68 representing a keyframe. 69 70 @ivar curval: Current value of the corresponding IpoCurve. Read-only. 71 @type curval: float 72 @ivar name: The name of the Keyblock. Truncated to 32 characters. 73 @type name: string 74 @ivar pos: The position of the keyframe. 75 @type pos: float 76 @ivar slidermin: The minimum value for the action slider. 77 Value is clamped to the range [-10.0,10.0]. 78 @type slidermin: float 79 @ivar slidermax: The maximum value for the action slider. 80 Value is clamped to the range [-10.0,10.0]. 81 @type slidermax: float 82 @ivar vgroup: The assigned VGroup for the Key Block. 83 @type vgroup: string 84 @ivar data: The data of the KeyBlock (see L{getData}). This 85 attribute is read-only. 86 @type data: varies 87 """ 88
89 - def getData():
90 """ 91 Get the data of a KeyBlock, as a list of data items. Each item 92 will have a different data format depending on the type of this 93 Key. 94 95 Note that prior to 2.45 the behaviour of this function 96 was different (and very wrong). Old scripts might need to be 97 updated. 98 99 - Mesh keys have a list of L{Vectors<Mathutils.Vector>} objects in the data 100 block. 101 - Lattice keys have a list of L{Vectors<Mathutils.Vector>} objects in the data 102 block. 103 - Curve keys return either a list of tuples, eacn containing 104 four L{Vectors<Mathutils.Vector>} (if the curve is a Bezier curve), 105 or otherwise just a list of L{Vectors<Mathutils.Vector>}. 106 107 For bezier keys, the first three vectors in the tuple are the Bezier 108 triple vectors, while the fourth vector's first element is the curve tilt 109 (the other two elements are reserved and are currently unused). 110 111 For non-Bezier keys, the first three elements of the returned vector is 112 the curve handle point, while the fourth element is the tilt. 113 114 115 A word on relative shape keys; relative shape keys are not actually 116 stored as offsets to the base shape key (like you'd expect). Instead, 117 each shape key stores an entire model (actually the state of the mesh 118 vertices after exiting editmode with any given key active). 119 120 The additive offset for a shape key is calculated (when needed) by 121 comparing the shape key with its base key, which is always the very 122 first in the keyblock list. 123 """