Module Lamp
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Source Code for Module Lamp

  1  # Blender.Lamp module and the Lamp PyType object 
  3  """ 
  4  The Blender.Lamp submodule. 
  6  B{New}: L{Lamp.clearScriptLinks} accepts a parameter now. 
  8  Lamp Data 
  9  ========= 
 11  This module provides control over B{Lamp Data} objects in Blender. 
 13  Example:: 
 15          from Blender import Lamp, Scene 
 16          l = Lamp.New('Spot')            # create new 'Spot' lamp data 
 17          l.setMode('Square', 'Shadow')   # set these two lamp mode flags 
 18          scn = Scene.GetCurrent() 
 19          ob = 
 21  @type Types: read-only dictionary 
 22  @var Types: The lamp types. 
 23          - 'Lamp': 0 
 24          - 'Sun' : 1 
 25          - 'Spot': 2 
 26          - 'Hemi': 3 
 27          - 'Area': 4 
 28          - 'Photon': 5 
 29  @type Falloffs: read-only dictionary 
 30  @var Falloffs: The lamp falloff types. 
 31          - CONSTANT  - Constant falloff 
 32          - INVLINEAR - Inverse linear 
 33          - INVSQUARE - Inverse square 
 34          - CUSTOM    - Custom curve 
 35          - LINQUAD   - Lin/Quad weighted 
 36  @type Modes: read-only dictionary 
 37  @var Modes: The lamp modes.  Modes may be ORed together. 
 38          - 'Shadows' 
 39          - 'Halo' 
 40          - 'Layer' 
 41          - 'Quad' 
 42          - 'Negative' 
 43          - 'OnlyShadow' 
 44          - 'Sphere' 
 45          - 'Square' 
 46          - 'NoDiffuse' 
 47          - 'NoSpecular' 
 48          - 'RayShadow' 
 50          Example:: 
 51                  from Blender import Lamp, Object 
 52                  # Change the mode of selected lamp objects. 
 53                  for ob in Object.GetSelected():   # Loop through the current selection 
 54                          if ob.getType() == "Lamp":      # if this is a lamp. 
 55                                  lamp = ob.getData()           # get the lamp data. 
 56                                  if lamp.type == Lamp.Types["Spot"]:  # Lamp type is not a flag 
 57                                          lamp.mode &= ~Lamp.Modes["RayShadow"] # Disable RayShadow. 
 58                                          lamp.mode |= Lamp.Modes["Shadows"]    # Enable Shadowbuffer shadows 
 59  """ 
61 -def New (type = 'Lamp', name = 'LampData'):
62 """ 63 Create a new Lamp Data object. 64 @type type: string 65 @param type: The Lamp type: 'Lamp', 'Sun', 'Spot', 'Hemi', 'Area', or 'Photon'. 66 @type name: string 67 @param name: The Lamp Data name. 68 @rtype: Blender Lamp 69 @return: The created Lamp Data object. 70 """
72 -def Get (name = None):
73 """ 74 Get the Lamp Data object(s) from Blender. 75 @type name: string 76 @param name: The name of the Lamp Data. 77 @rtype: Blender Lamp or a list of Blender Lamps 78 @return: It depends on the I{name} parameter: 79 - (name): The Lamp Data object with the given I{name}; 80 - (): A list with all Lamp Data objects in the current scene. 81 """
83 -class Lamp:
84 """ 85 The Lamp Data object 86 ==================== 87 This object gives access to Lamp-specific data in Blender. 88 89 @ivar B: Lamp color blue component. 90 Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0]. 91 @type B: float 92 @ivar G: Lamp color green component. 93 Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0]. 94 @type G: float 95 @ivar R: Lamp color red component. 96 Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0]. 97 @type R: float 98 @ivar bias: Lamp shadow map sampling bias. 99 Value is clamped to the range [0.01,5.0]. 100 @type bias: float 101 @ivar bufferSize: Lamp shadow buffer size. 102 Value is clamped to the range [512,5120]. 103 @type bufferSize: int 104 @ivar clipEnd: Lamp shadow map clip end. 105 Value is clamped to the range [1.0,5000.0]. 106 @type clipEnd: float 107 @ivar clipStart: Lamp shadow map clip start. 108 Value is clamped to the range [0.1,1000.0]. 109 @type clipStart: float 110 @ivar col: Lamp RGB color triplet. 111 Components are clamped to the range [0.0,1.0]. 112 @type col: RGB tuple 113 @ivar dist: Lamp clipping distance. 114 Value is clamped to the range [0.1,5000.0]. 115 @type dist: float 116 @ivar energy: Lamp light intensity. 117 Value is clamped to the range [0.0,10.0]. 118 @type energy: float 119 @ivar haloInt: Lamp spotlight halo intensity. 120 Value is clamped to the range [0.0,5.0]. 121 @type haloInt: float 122 @ivar haloStep: Lamp volumetric halo sampling frequency. 123 Value is clamped to the range [0,12]. 124 @type haloStep: int 125 @ivar ipo: Lamp Ipo. 126 Contains the Ipo if one is assigned to the object, B{None} otherwise. Setting to B{None} clears the current Ipo.. 127 @type ipo: Blender Ipo 128 @ivar mode: Lamp mode bitfield. See L{Modes} for values. 129 @type mode: int 130 @ivar quad1: Quad lamp linear distance attenuation. 131 Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0]. 132 @type quad1: float 133 @ivar quad2: Quad lamp quadratic distance attenuation. 134 Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0]. 135 @type quad2: float 136 @ivar samples: Lamp shadow map samples. 137 Value is clamped to the range [1,16]. 138 @type samples: int 139 @ivar raySamplesX: Lamp raytracing X samples (X is used for the Y axis with square area lamps). 140 Value is clamped to the range [1,16]. 141 @type raySamplesX: int 142 @ivar raySamplesY: Lamp raytracing Y samples (Y is only used for rectangle area lamps). 143 Value is clamped to the range [1,16]. 144 @type raySamplesY: int 145 @ivar areaSizeX: Lamp X size (X is used for the Y axis with square area lamps) 146 Value is clamped to the range [0.01,100.0]. 147 @type areaSizeX: float 148 @ivar areaSizeY: Lamp Y size (Y is only used for rectangle area lamps). 149 Value is clamped to the range [0.01,100.0]. 150 @type areaSizeY: float 151 @ivar softness: Lamp shadow sample area size. 152 Value is clamped to the range [1.0,100.0]. 153 @type softness: float 154 @ivar spotBlend: Lamp spotlight edge softness. 155 Value is clamped to the range [0.0,1.0]. 156 @type spotBlend: float 157 @ivar spotSize: Lamp spotlight beam angle (in degrees). 158 Value is clamped to the range [1.0,180.0]. 159 @type spotSize: float 160 @ivar type: Lamp type. See L{Types} for values. 161 @type type: int 162 @ivar falloffType: Lamp falloff type. See L{Falloffs} for values. 163 @type falloffType: int 164 @type textures: a tuple of Blender MTex objects. 165 @ivar textures: The Lamp's texture list. Empty texture channels contains None. 166 167 @warning: Most member variables assume values in some [Min, Max] interval. 168 When trying to set them, the given parameter will be clamped to lie in 169 that range: if val < Min, then val = Min, if val > Max, then val = Max. 170 """ 171
172 - def getName():
173 """ 174 Get the name of this Lamp Data object. 175 @rtype: string 176 """
178 - def setName(name):
179 """ 180 Set the name of this Lamp Data object. 181 @type name: string 182 @param name: The new name. 183 """
185 - def getType():
186 """ 187 Get this Lamp's type. 188 @rtype: int 189 """
191 - def setType(type):
192 """ 193 Set this Lamp's type. 194 @type type: string 195 @param type: The Lamp type: 'Lamp', 'Sun', 'Spot', 'Hemi', 'Area', or 'Photon' 196 """
198 - def getMode():
199 """ 200 Get this Lamp's mode flags. 201 @rtype: int 202 @return: B{OR'ed value}. Use the Modes dictionary to check which flags 203 are 'on'. 204 205 Example:: 206 flags = mylamp.getMode() 207 if flags & mylamp.Modes['Shadows']: 208 print "This lamp produces shadows" 209 else: 210 print "The 'Shadows' flag is off" 211 """
213 - def setMode(m = None, m2 = None, m3 = None, m4 = None, 214 m5 = None, m6 = None, m7 = None, m8 = None):
215 """ 216 Set this Lamp's mode flags. Mode strings given are turned 'on'. 217 Those not provided are turned 'off', so lamp.setMode() -- without 218 arguments -- turns off all mode flags for Lamp lamp. 219 @type m: string 220 @param m: A mode flag. From 1 to 8 can be set at the same time. 221 """
223 - def getSamples():
224 """ 225 Get this lamp's samples value. 226 @rtype: int 227 """
229 - def setSamples(samples):
230 """ 231 Set the samples value. 232 @type samples: int 233 @param samples: The new samples value. 234 """
236 - def getRaySamplesX():
237 """ 238 Get this lamp's raytracing sample value on the X axis. 239 This value is only used for area lamps. 240 @rtype: int 241 """
243 - def setRaySamplesX():
244 """ 245 Set the lamp's raytracing sample value on the X axis, between 1 and 16. 246 This value is only used for area lamps. 247 @rtype: int 248 """
250 - def getRaySamplesY():
251 """ 252 Get this lamp's raytracing sample value on the Y axis. 253 This value is only used for rectangle area lamps. 254 @rtype: int 255 """
257 - def setRaySamplesY():
258 """ 259 Set the lamp's raytracing sample value on the Y axis, between 1 and 16. 260 This value is only used for rectangle area lamps. 261 @rtype: int 262 """
264 - def getAreaSizeX():
265 """ 266 Get this lamp's size on the X axis. 267 This value is only used for area lamps. 268 @rtype: int 269 """
271 - def setAreaSizeX():
272 """ 273 Set this lamp's size on the X axis. 274 This value is only used for area lamps. 275 @rtype: int 276 """
278 - def getAreaSizeY():
279 """ 280 Get this lamp's size on the Y axis. 281 This value is only used for rectangle area lamps. 282 @rtype: int 283 """
285 - def setAreaSizeY():
286 """ 287 Set this lamp's size on the Y axis. 288 This value is only used for rectangle area lamps. 289 @rtype: int 290 """
292 - def getBufferSize():
293 """ 294 Get this lamp's buffer size. 295 @rtype: int 296 """
298 - def setBufferSize(bufsize):
299 """ 300 Set the buffer size value. 301 @type bufsize: int 302 @param bufsize: The new buffer size value. 303 """
305 - def getHaloStep():
306 """ 307 Get this lamp's halo step value. 308 @rtype: int 309 """
311 - def setHaloStep(hastep):
312 """ 313 Set the halo step value. 314 @type hastep: int 315 @param hastep: The new halo step value. 316 """
318 - def getEnergy():
319 """ 320 Get this lamp's energy intensity value. 321 @rtype: float 322 """
324 - def setEnergy(energy):
325 """ 326 Set the energy intensity value. 327 @type energy: float 328 @param energy: The new energy value. 329 """
331 - def getDist():
332 """ 333 Get this lamp's distance value. 334 @rtype: float 335 """
337 - def setDist(distance):
338 """ 339 Set the distance value. 340 @type distance: float 341 @param distance: The new distance value. 342 """
344 - def getSpotSize():
345 """ 346 Get this lamp's spot size value. 347 @rtype: float 348 """
350 - def setSpotSize(spotsize):
351 """ 352 Set the spot size value. 353 @type spotsize: float 354 @param spotsize: The new spot size value. 355 """
357 - def getSpotBlend():
358 """ 359 Get this lamp's spot blend value. 360 @rtype: float 361 """
363 - def setSpotBlend(spotblend):
364 """ 365 Set the spot blend value. 366 @type spotblend: float 367 @param spotblend: The new spot blend value. 368 """
370 - def getClipStart():
371 """ 372 Get this lamp's clip start value. 373 @rtype: float 374 """
376 - def setClipStart(clipstart):
377 """ 378 Set the clip start value. 379 @type clipstart: float 380 @param clipstart: The new clip start value. 381 """
383 - def getClipEnd():
384 """ 385 Get this lamp's clip end value. 386 @rtype: float 387 """
389 - def setClipEnd(clipend):
390 """ 391 Set the clip end value. 392 @type clipend: float 393 @param clipend: The new clip end value. 394 """
396 - def getBias():
397 """ 398 Get this lamp's bias value. 399 @rtype: float 400 """
402 - def setBias(bias):
403 """ 404 Set the bias value. 405 @type bias: float 406 @param bias: The new bias value. 407 """
409 - def getSoftness():
410 """ 411 Get this lamp's softness value. 412 @rtype: float 413 """
415 - def setSoftness(softness):
416 """ 417 Set the softness value. 418 @type softness: float 419 @param softness: The new softness value. 420 """
422 - def getHaloInt():
423 """ 424 Get this lamp's halo intensity value. 425 @rtype: float 426 """
428 - def setHaloInt(haloint):
429 """ 430 Set the halo intensity value. 431 @type haloint: float 432 @param haloint: The new halo intensity value. 433 """
435 - def getQuad1():
436 """ 437 Get this lamp's quad 1 value. 438 @rtype: float 439 @warning: this only applies to Lamps with the 'Quad' flag on. 440 """
442 - def setQuad1(quad1):
443 """ 444 Set the quad 1 value. 445 @type quad1: float 446 @warning: this only applies to Lamps with the 'Quad' flag on. 447 """
449 - def getQuad2():
450 """ 451 Get this lamp's quad 2 value. 452 @rtype: float 453 @warning: this only applies to Lamps with the 'Quad' flag on. 454 """
456 - def setQuad2(quad2):
457 """ 458 Set the quad 2 value. 459 @type quad2: float 460 @param quad2: The new quad 2 value. 461 @warning: this only applies to Lamps with the 'Quad' flag on. 462 """
463 473 481 490
491 - def getIpo():
492 """ 493 Get the Ipo associated with this Lamp object, if any. 494 @rtype: Ipo 495 @return: the wrapped ipo or None. 496 """
498 - def setIpo(ipo):
499 """ 500 Link an ipo to this Lamp object. 501 @type ipo: Blender Ipo 502 @param ipo: a "lamp data" ipo. 503 """
505 - def clearIpo():
506 """ 507 Unlink the ipo from this Lamp object. 508 @return: True if there was an ipo linked or False otherwise. 509 """
511 - def insertIpoKey(keytype):
512 """ 513 Inserts keytype values in lamp ipo at curframe. Uses module constants. 514 @type keytype: Integer 515 @param keytype: 516 -RGB 517 -ENERGY 518 -SPOTSIZE 519 -OFFSET 520 -SIZE 521 @return: None 522 """
524 - def __copy__ ():
525 """ 526 Make a copy of this lamp 527 @rtype: Lamp 528 @return: a copy of this lamp 529 """
530 531 import id_generics 532 Lamp.__doc__ += id_generics.attributes 533