Module Text
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Source Code for Module Text

  1  # Blender.Text module and the Text PyType object 
  3  """ 
  4  The Blender.Text submodule. 
  6  Text Objects 
  7  ============ 
  9  This module provides access to B{Text} objects in Blender. 
 11  Example:: 
 12          import Blender 
 13          from Blender import Text 
 14          # 
 15          txt = Text.New("MyText")          # create a new Text object 
 16          print Text.Get()                  # current list of Texts in Blender 
 17          txt.write("Appending some ")      # appending text 
 18          txt.write("text to my\\n")         # '\\n' inserts new-line markers 
 19          txt.write("text buffer.") 
 20          print txt.asLines()               # retrieving the buffer as a list of lines 
 21          Text.unlink(txt)                  # removing a Text object 
 22  """ 
24 -def New (name = None, follow_cursor = 0):
25 """ 26 Create a new Text object. 27 @type name: string 28 @param name: The Text name. 29 @type follow_cursor: int 30 @param follow_cursor: The text follow flag: if 1, the text display always 31 follows the cursor. 32 @rtype: Blender Text 33 @return: The created Text Data object. 34 """
36 -def Get (name = None):
37 """ 38 Get the Text object(s) from Blender. 39 @type name: string 40 @param name: The name of the Text object. 41 @rtype: Blender Text or a list of Blender Texts 42 @return: It depends on the 'name' parameter: 43 - (name): The Text object with the given name; 44 - (): A list with all Text objects in the current scene. 45 """
47 -def Load (filename):
48 """ 49 Load a file into a Blender Text object. 50 @type filename: string 51 @param filename: The name of the file to load. 52 @rtype: Blender Text 53 @return: A Text object with the contents of the loaded file. 54 """
55 62
63 -class Text:
64 """ 65 The Text object 66 =============== 67 This object gives access to Texts in Blender. 68 @ivar filename: The filename of the file loaded into this Text. 69 @ivar mode: The follow_mode flag: if 1 it is 'on'; if 0, 'off'. 70 @ivar nlines: The number of lines in this Text. 71 """ 72
73 - def getName():
74 """ 75 Get the name of this Text object. 76 @rtype: string 77 """
79 - def setName(name):
80 """ 81 Set the name of this Text object. 82 @type name: string 83 @param name: The new name. 84 """
86 - def getFilename():
87 """ 88 Get the filename of the file loaded into this Text object. 89 @rtype: string 90 """
92 - def getNLines():
93 """ 94 Get the number of lines in this Text buffer. 95 @rtype: int 96 """
98 - def clear():
99 """ 100 Clear this Text object: its buffer becomes empty. 101 """
103 - def reset():
104 """ 105 Reset the read IO pointer to the start of the buffer. 106 """
108 - def readline():
109 """ 110 Reads a line of text from the buffer from the current IO pointer 111 position to the end of the line. If the text has changed since the last 112 read, reset() *must* be called. 113 @rtype: string 114 """
116 - def set(attribute, value):
117 """ 118 Set this Text's attributes. 119 @type attribute: string 120 @param attribute: The attribute to change: 121 currently, 'follow_cursor' is the only one available. It can be 122 turned 'on' with value = 1 and 'off' with value = 0. 123 @type value: int 124 @param value: The new attribute value. 125 """
127 - def write(data):
128 """ 129 Append a string to this Text buffer. 130 @type data: string 131 @param data: The string to append to the text buffer. 132 """
134 - def insert(data):
135 """ 136 Inserts a string into this Text buffer at the cursor. 137 @type data: string 138 @param data: The string to insert into the text buffer. 139 """
141 - def asLines(start=0, end=-1):
142 """ 143 Retrieve the contents of this Text buffer as a list of strings between 144 the start and end lines specified. If end < 0 all lines from start will 145 be included. 146 @type start: int 147 @param start: Optional index of first line of the span to return 148 @type end int 149 @param end: Optional index of the line to which the span is taken or 150 -1 to include all lines from start 151 @rtype: list of strings 152 @return: A list of strings, one for each line in the buffer between 153 start and end. 154 """
156 - def getCursorPos():
157 """ 158 Retrieve the position of the cursor in this Text buffer. 159 @rtype: (int, int) 160 @return: A pair (row, col) indexing the line and character of the 161 cursor. 162 """
164 - def setCursorPos(row, col):
165 """ 166 Set the position of the cursor in this Text buffer. Any selection will 167 be cleared. Use setSelectPos to extend a selection from the point 168 specified here. 169 @type row: int 170 @param row: The index of the line in which to position the cursor. 171 @type col: int 172 @param col: The index of the character within the line to position the 173 cursor. 174 """
176 - def getSelectPos():
177 """ 178 Retrieve the position of the selection cursor in this Text buffer. 179 @rtype: (int, int) 180 @return: A pair (row, col) indexing the line and character of the 181 selection cursor. 182 """
184 - def setSelectPos(row, col):
185 """ 186 Set the position of the selection cursor in this Text buffer. This 187 method should be called after setCursorPos to extend the selection to 188 the specified point. 189 @type row: int 190 @param row: The index of the line in which to position the cursor. 191 @type col: int 192 @param col: The index of the character within the line to position the 193 cursor. 194 """
196 - def suggest(list, prefix=''):
197 """ 198 Suggest a list of names. If list is a list of tuples (name, type) the 199 list will be formatted to syntax-highlight each entry type. Types must 200 be strings in the list ['m', 'f', 'v', 'k', '?']. It is recommended that 201 the list be sorted, case-insensitively by name. 202 203 @type list: list of tuples or strings 204 @param list: List of pair-tuples of the form (name, type) where name is 205 the suggested name and type is one of 'm' (module or class), 'f' 206 (function or method), 'v' (variable), 'k' (keyword), '?' (other). 207 Lists of plain strings are also accepted where the type is always 208 '?'. 209 @type prefix: string 210 @param prefix: The optional prefix used to limit what is suggested from 211 the list. This is usually whatever precedes the cursor so that 212 backspace will update it. 213 """
215 - def showDocs(docs):
216 """ 217 Displays a word-wrapped message box containing the specified 218 documentation when this Text object is visible. 219 @type docs: string 220 @param docs: The documentation string to display. 221 """
222 223 import id_generics 224 Text.__doc__ += id_generics.attributes 225