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PyObjectPlus --+ | CValue --+ | SCA_ILogicBrick --+ | SCA_IActuator --+ | KX_SoundActuator
Sound Actuator.
The startSound(), pauseSound() and stopSound() do not require the actuator to be activated - they act instantly provided that the actuator has been activated once at least.
Instance Methods | |||
bool |
Play Methods | |||
Deprecated | |||
string |
float |
float |
float |
integer |
integer |
integer |
string |
KX_GameObject |
Instance Variables | |
int |
executePriority This determines the order controllers are evaluated, and actuators are activated (lower priority is executed first). (Inherited from GameTypes.SCA_ILogicBrick) |
string |
fileName The filename of the sound this actuator plays. |
bool |
invalid Test if the object has been freed by the game engine and is no longer valid. (Inherited from GameTypes.PyObjectPlus) |
integer |
looping The loop mode of the actuator. |
integer |
mode The operation mode of the actuator. |
string |
name The name of this CValue derived object (read-only). (Inherited from GameTypes.SCA_ILogicBrick) |
3x3 matrix [[float]] |
orientation The orientation of the sound. |
KX_GameObject or None in exceptional cases. |
owner The game object this logic brick is attached to (read-only). (Inherited from GameTypes.SCA_ILogicBrick) |
float |
pitch The pitch of the sound. |
float array |
position The position of the sound as a list: [x, y, z]. |
float |
rollOffFactor The roll off factor. |
float array |
velocity The velocity of the emitter as a list: [x, y, z]. |
float |
volume The volume (gain) of the sound. |
Method Details |
Sets the filename of the sound this actuator plays.
Deprecated: Use the fileName attribute instead. |
Returns the filename of the sound this actuator plays.
Deprecated: Use the fileName attribute instead. |
Sets the gain (volume) of the sound
Deprecated: Use the volume attribute instead. |
Gets the gain (volume) of the sound.
Deprecated: Use the volume attribute instead. |
Sets the pitch of the sound.
Deprecated: Use the pitch attribute instead. |
Returns the pitch of the sound.
Deprecated: Use the pitch attribute instead. |
Sets the rolloff factor for the sounds. Rolloff defines the rate of attenuation as the sound gets further away. Higher rolloff factors shorten the distance at which the sound can be heard.
Deprecated: Use the rollOffFactor attribute instead. |
Returns the rolloff factor for the sound.
Deprecated: Use the rollOffFactor attribute instead. |
Sets the loop mode of the actuator.
Bug: There are no constants defined for this method! Deprecated: Use the looping attribute instead. |
Returns the current loop mode of the actuator.
Deprecated: Use the looping attribute instead. |
Sets the position this sound will come from.
Deprecated: Use the position attribute instead. |
Sets the velocity this sound is moving at. The sound's pitch is determined from the velocity.
Deprecated: Use the velocity attribute instead. |
Sets the orientation of the sound. The nine parameters specify a rotation matrix: | o11, o12, o13 | | o21, o22, o23 | | o31, o32, o33 | Deprecated: Use the orientation attribute instead. |
Sets the operation mode of the actuator.
Use the |
Returns the operation mode of the actuator.
Use the |
Instance Variable Details |
modeThe operation mode of the actuator. You can use one of the following constants:
orientationThe orientation of the sound. When setting the orientation you can also use quaternion [float,float,float,float] or euler angles [float,float,float]
rollOffFactorThe roll off factor. Rolloff defines the rate of attenuation as the sound gets further away.
velocityThe velocity of the emitter as a list: [x, y, z]. The relative velocity to the observer determines the pitch. List of 3 floats: [x, y, z].
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