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PyObjectPlus --+ | CValue --+ | SCA_ILogicBrick --+ | SCA_IActuator --+ | KX_StateActuator
State actuator changes the state mask of parent object.
Instance Methods | |||
bool |
Deprecated | |||
integer |
string |
KX_GameObject |
Instance Variables | |
int |
executePriority This determines the order controllers are evaluated, and actuators are activated (lower priority is executed first). (Inherited from GameTypes.SCA_ILogicBrick) |
bool |
invalid Test if the object has been freed by the game engine and is no longer valid. (Inherited from GameTypes.PyObjectPlus) |
integer |
mask value that defines the bits that will be modified by the operation. |
string |
name The name of this CValue derived object (read-only). (Inherited from GameTypes.SCA_ILogicBrick) |
integer |
operation type of bit operation to be applied on object state mask. |
KX_GameObject or None in exceptional cases. |
owner The game object this logic brick is attached to (read-only). (Inherited from GameTypes.SCA_ILogicBrick) |
Method Details |
Set the type of bit operation to be applied on object state mask. Use setMask() to specify the bits that will be modified.
Deprecated: Use the operation attribute instead. |
Set the value that defines the bits that will be modified by the operation. The bits that are 1 in the value will be updated in the object state, the bits that are 0 are will be left unmodified expect for the Copy operation which copies the value to the object state.
Deprecated: Use the mask attribute instead. |
Instance Variable Details |
maskvalue that defines the bits that will be modified by the operation. The bits that are 1 in the mask will be updated in the object state, the bits that are 0 are will be left unmodified expect for the Copy operation which copies the mask to the object state
operationtype of bit operation to be applied on object state mask. You can use one of the following constant:
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Generated by Epydoc 3.0 on Mon Aug 31 23:12:31 2009 | http://epydoc.sourceforge.net |