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PyObjectPlus --+ | CValue --+ | SCA_ILogicBrick --+ | SCA_ISensor --+ | SCA_JoystickSensor
This sensor detects player joystick events.
Instance Methods | |||
list |
bool |
bool |
Deprecated | |||
integer |
list |
list |
integer |
integer |
list |
list |
integer |
integer |
integer |
bool |
integer |
integer |
boolean |
string |
KX_GameObject |
Instance Variables | |
[integer, integer] |
axis The axis this sensor reacts to, as a list of two values [axisIndex, axisDirection] axisIndex: the axis index to use when detecting axis movement, 1=primary directional control, 2=secondary directional control. |
int |
axisSingle (read-only) like axisValues but returns a single axis value that is set by the sensor. |
list of ints |
axisValues (read-only) The state of the joysticks axis as a list of values numAxis long. |
integer |
button The button index the sensor reacts to (first button = 0). |
boolean |
connected (read-only) True if a joystick is connected at this joysticks index. |
int |
executePriority This determines the order controllers are evaluated, and actuators are activated (lower priority is executed first). (Inherited from GameTypes.SCA_ILogicBrick) |
int |
frequency The frequency for pulse mode sensors. (Inherited from GameTypes.SCA_ISensor) |
[integer, integer] |
hat The hat the sensor reacts to, as a list of two values: [hatIndex, hatDirection] hatIndex: the hat index to use when detecting hat movement, 1=primary hat, 2=secondary hat (4 max). |
int |
hatSingle (read-only) like hatValues but returns a single hat direction value that is set by the sensor. |
list of ints |
hatValues (read-only) The state of the joysticks hats as a list of values numHats long. |
integer |
index The joystick index to use (from 0 to 7). |
bool |
invalid Test if the object has been freed by the game engine and is no longer valid. (Inherited from GameTypes.PyObjectPlus) |
boolean |
invert Flag to set if this sensor activates on positive or negative events. (Inherited from GameTypes.SCA_ISensor) |
boolean |
level Option whether to detect level or edge transition when entering a state. (Inherited from GameTypes.SCA_ISensor) |
string |
name The name of this CValue derived object (read-only). (Inherited from GameTypes.SCA_ILogicBrick) |
integer |
numAxis (read-only) The number of axes for the joystick at this index. |
integer |
numButtons (read-only) The number of buttons for the joystick at this index. |
integer |
numHats (read-only) The number of hats for the joystick at this index. |
KX_GameObject or None in exceptional cases. |
owner The game object this logic brick is attached to (read-only). (Inherited from GameTypes.SCA_ILogicBrick) |
boolean |
positive True if this sensor brick is in a positive state. (Inherited from GameTypes.SCA_ISensor) |
boolean |
tap When enabled only sensors that are just activated will send a positive event, after this they will be detected as negative by the controllers. (Inherited from GameTypes.SCA_ISensor) |
integer |
threshold Axis threshold. |
boolean |
triggered True if this sensor brick is in a positive state. (Inherited from GameTypes.SCA_ISensor) |
boolean |
useNegPulseMode Flag to turn negative pulse mode on and off. (Inherited from GameTypes.SCA_ISensor) |
boolean |
usePosPulseMode Flag to turn positive pulse mode on and off. (Inherited from GameTypes.SCA_ISensor) |
Method Details |
Returns a bool of the current pressed state of the specified button.
Returns the joystick index to use (from 1 to 8).
Deprecated: Use the index attribute instead. |
Sets the joystick index to use.
Deprecated: Use the index attribute instead. Note: This is only useful when you have more then 1 joystick connected to your computer - multiplayer games. |
Returns the current axis this sensor reacts to. See getAxisValue() for the current axis state.
Deprecated: Use the axis attribute instead. Note: When the "All Events" toggle is set, this option has no effect. |
Deprecated: Use the axis attribute instead. Note: When the "All Events" toggle is set, this option has no effect. |
Returns the state of the joysticks axis. See differs to getAxis() returning the current state of the joystick.
Deprecated: Use the axisValues attribute instead. Note: Some gamepads only set the axis on and off like a button. |
Get the axis threshold. See setThreshold() for details.
Deprecated: Use the threshold attribute instead. |
Set the axis threshold.
Deprecated: Use the threshold attribute instead. |
Returns the button index the sensor reacts to. See getButtonValue() for a list of pressed buttons.
Deprecated: Use the button attribute instead. Note: When the "All Events" toggle is set, this option has no effect. |
Sets the button index the sensor reacts to when the "All Events" option is not set. Deprecated: Use the button attribute instead. Note: When the "All Events" toggle is set, this option has no effect. |
Returns a list containing the indicies of the currently pressed buttons.
Deprecated: Use the getButtonActiveList method instead. |
Returns the current hat direction this sensor is set to. [hatNumber, hatDirection].
Deprecated: Use the hat attribute instead. Note: When the "All Events" toggle is set, this option has no effect. |
Sets the hat index the sensor reacts to when the "All Events" option is not set.
Deprecated: Use the hat attribute instead. |
Returns the number of axes for the joystick at this index.
Deprecated: Use the numAxis attribute instead. |
Returns the number of buttons for the joystick at this index.
Deprecated: Use the numButtons attribute instead. |
Returns the number of hats for the joystick at this index.
Deprecated: Use the numHats attribute instead. |
Returns True if a joystick is detected at this joysticks index.
Deprecated: Use the connected attribute instead. |
Instance Variable Details |
axisThe axis this sensor reacts to, as a list of two values [axisIndex, axisDirection] axisIndex: the axis index to use when detecting axis movement, 1=primary directional control, 2=secondary directional control. axisDirection: 0=right, 1=up, 2=left, 3=down
axisSingle(read-only) like axisValues but returns a single axis value that is set by the sensor. Only use this for "Single Axis" type sensors otherwise it will raise an error.
axisValues(read-only) The state of the joysticks axis as a list of values numAxis long. each spesifying the value of an axis between -32767 and 32767 depending on how far the axis is pushed, 0 for nothing. The first 2 values are used by most joysticks and gamepads for directional control. 3rd and 4th values are only on some joysticks and can be used for arbitary controls. left:[-32767, 0, ...], right:[32767, 0, ...], up:[0, -32767, ...], down:[0, 32767, ...]
buttonThe button index the sensor reacts to (first button = 0). When the "All Events" toggle is set, this option has no effect.
hatThe hat the sensor reacts to, as a list of two values: [hatIndex, hatDirection] hatIndex: the hat index to use when detecting hat movement, 1=primary hat, 2=secondary hat (4 max). hatDirection: 1-12
hatValues(read-only) The state of the joysticks hats as a list of values numHats long. each spesifying the direction of the hat from 1 to 12, 0 when inactive. Hat directions are as follows...
indexThe joystick index to use (from 0 to 7). The first joystick is always 0.
thresholdAxis threshold. Joystick axis motion below this threshold wont trigger an event. Use values between (0 and 32767), lower values are more sensitive.
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