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PyObjectPlus --+ | CValue --+ | SCA_ILogicBrick --+ | SCA_IController --+ | SCA_PythonController
A Python controller uses a Python script to activate it's actuators, based on it's sensors.
Instance Methods | |||
bool |
Deprecated | |||
string |
SCA_IActuator |
list [SCA_IActuator] |
integer |
string |
KX_GameObject |
SCA_ISensor |
list [SCA_ISensor] |
int |
Instance Variables | |
sequence supporting index/string lookups and iteration. |
actuators a list of actuators linked to this controller. (Inherited from GameTypes.SCA_IController) |
int |
executePriority This determines the order controllers are evaluated, and actuators are activated (lower priority is executed first). (Inherited from GameTypes.SCA_ILogicBrick) |
bool |
invalid Test if the object has been freed by the game engine and is no longer valid. (Inherited from GameTypes.PyObjectPlus) |
int |
mode the execution mode for this controller (read-only). |
string |
name The name of this CValue derived object (read-only). (Inherited from GameTypes.SCA_ILogicBrick) |
KX_GameObject or None in exceptional cases. |
owner The game object this logic brick is attached to (read-only). (Inherited from GameTypes.SCA_ILogicBrick) |
string |
script The value of this variable depends on the execution methid. |
sequence supporting index/string lookups and iteration. |
sensors a list of sensors linked to this controller (Inherited from GameTypes.SCA_IController) |
int bitmask |
state the controllers state bitmask. (Inherited from GameTypes.SCA_IController) |
bool |
useHighPriority When set the controller executes always before all other controllers that dont have this set. (Inherited from GameTypes.SCA_IController) |
Method Details |
Activates an actuator attached to this controller.
Deactivates an actuator attached to this controller.
Gets the Python script body this controller executes.
Deprecated: Use the script attribute instead. |
Sets the Python script string this controller executes.
Deprecated: Use the script attribute instead. |
Instance Variable Details |
modethe execution mode for this controller (read-only).
scriptThe value of this variable depends on the execution methid.
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Generated by Epydoc 3.0 on Mon Aug 31 23:12:32 2009 | http://epydoc.sourceforge.net |