Blender internal structure

Version: $Id: index.html,v 1.4 2001/08/24 13:28:33 nzc Exp $

Module owner: Njin-Zu (

What can I find here?

This project deals with the internal structure of Blender. This includes the internal module structure, the interconnections between modules, interfaces, interface standards, etc.


There are currently no events planned.


Internal module structure

The internal structure is currently being investigated. So far, no deadline has been fixed.

Overview of the structure of Blender and the gameengine

There are two main documents at this moment that give a more or less abstract view of the whole system. For details you should refer to the module-specific docs.

The top-level view of the architecture of Blender.

Older references

Old design doc

An older document on Blender architecture.

C sources inventory

A short list of the source files and (sometimes) a description of what is in them. This is not an authoritative reference!

Blender-packages content overview

An old overview of what modules etc. were contained in 1.75. Also not authoritative.