4.1. Images Examples

Table of Contents

4.1.1. Floating Images
4.1.2. Inline Images

Here's how to insert images in your doc

4.1.1. Floating Images

Figure 4.1. A demo float image, with its appropriate caption

The Figure 4.1 figure is included with the code in Example 4.1. Please pay attention to the Float="1" attribute. This is strongly encouraged, since it produces much better output in Hard Copy printout.

Example 4.1. How to include a Float Figure

        <figure id="BSG.F.001" float="1">
          <title>A demo float image, with its appropriate caption</title>
          <graphic fileref="imgs/demoimage1.png"/>

4.1.2. Inline Images

Inline Images like are obtained via Example 4.2

Example 4.2. How to include an Inline Figure

	  <inlinegraphic fileref="imgs/demoimage2.png"></inlinegraphic>