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Ctrl-R (Voxel), Ctrl-Alt-R (Quadriflow)
Remeshing is a technique that automatically rebuilds the geometry with a more uniform topology. Remeshing can either add or remove the amount of topology depending on a defined resolution. This technique is especially useful for sculpting, to generate better topology after blocking out the initial shape.
The Voxel Remesher uses an OpenVDB to generate a new manifold mesh from the current geometry. It produces a mesh with perfectly even distributed topology and it does not have any performance penalty once the new mesh is calculated. This makes the voxel remesher great for sculpting has it is possible to sculpt at a much higher level of detail than using other features like dyntopo which often adds more performance overhead.
- Voxel Size
The resolution or the amount of detail the remeshed mesh will have. The value is used to define the size, in object space, of the Voxel. These voxels are assembled around the mesh and are used to determine the new geometry. For example a value of 0.5m will create topological patches that are about 0.5m (assuming Preserve Volume is enabled). Lower values preserve finer details but will result in a mesh with a much more dense topology.
- Sample Voxel Size
Used to adjust the Voxel Size by picking and an area of the mesh to match the denseness of polygons after the remesh operation.
- Adaptivity
Reduces the final face count by simplifying geometry where detail is not needed. This introduce triangulation to faces that do not need as much detail. Note, an Adaptivity value greater than zero disables Fix Poles.
- Fix Poles
Todo 2.81.
- Smooth Normals
Applies the Smooth Normals operator to the resulting mesh.
- Preserve Volume
Todo 2.81.
- Preserve Paint Mask
Todo 2.81.
- Voxel Remesh
Todo 2.81.
Remeshing only works on the original mesh data and ignores generated geometry from modifiers, shape keys, rigging, etc.
Remeshing will not work with the Multiresolution Modifier.
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