Boolean Node
The Boolean Node allows you to cut, subtract, and join the geometry of two inputs. This node offers the same operations as the Boolean modifier.
- Geometry 1/2
Standard geometry input.
- Self Intersection
Correctly calculates cases when one or both operands have self-intersections, this involves more calculations making it slower.
- Hole Tolerant
Optimizes the Boolean output for Non-manifold geometry at the cost of increased computational time. Because of the performance impact, this option should only be enabled when the Exact solver demonstrates errors with non-manifold geometry.
- Operation
- Intersect
Produce a new geometry containing only the volume inside of both geometry 1 and geometry 2.
- Union
The two input pieces of geometry are joined, then any interior elements are removed.
- Difference
Geometry 2 is subtracted from geometry 1 (everything outside of geometry 2 is kept).
- Geometry
Standard geometry output.