Empujar / Tirar



Modos Objeto y Edición


Toolbar ‣ Shrink/Flatten ‣ Push/Pull


Objeto/Malla ‣ Transformación ‣ Empujar / Tirar


Distancia para Empujar/Tirar.

Push/Pull will move the selected elements (objects, vertices, edges or faces) closer together (Push) or further apart (Pull). Specifically, each element is moved towards or away from the center by the same distance. This distance is controlled by moving the mouse up (Push) or down (Pull), numeric input or through slider control.


See below for the result of using Push/Pull on a number of different elements.


Objetos equidistantes que se juntan.


Objetos aleatorios que se juntan.


Empujar los vértices (centro) alrededor del cursor 3D en comparación con Escala (derecha).