Ajout d’une langue


If the language you want to translate has not been started by someone else already and you wish to create a set of new files for the desired language, say “fr” (French), then you must first use the environment you have created, as guided in Getting Started, in particular Install and Build sections.

Ceci va vous donner un environnement de base pour :

  • Création d’un nouveau jeu de langue de traduction à partir des sources en anglais.

  • Lancez la commande “make” pour convertir les textes traduits dans les fichiers po en fichiers html pour les tester localement.

  • Mettre à jour les modifications dans les textes en anglais qui ont été ajoutées par d’autres contributeurs.

Les exemples ci-dessous montrent le processus de création d’un nouvel jeu de fichiers pour le Français, code de langue fr, sur la plateforme Linux. Sur d’autres plateformes cela pourrait différer légèrement mais devrait être essentiellement identique.

  1. Goto https://developer.blender.org to create an account for yourself and become a developer/translator for the Blender organization.

  2. Login the account and create a task with todo type, addressing an administrator in the Subscribers field, requesting for a committer right in order to transfer changes to the central repository of the translation team.

  3. Open an instance of the console application, such as Gnome-Terminal emulator.

  4. Change the current working directory to the directory of blender_docs, where the instance of Makefile resides.

Essai du processus make pour créer des fichiers HTML en anglais

  1. Assurez-vous que l’instance précédente du dossier build est supprimée, s’il existe

    make clean
  2. Convertissez tous les fichiers rst en fichiers pot de traduction

    make gettext
  3. Créez les fichiers html

    make html
  4. After this, you can actually view the created html files locally following the prompted instruction, such as:

    xdg-open <path to your English manual>/blender_docs/build/html/index.html

Création de l’entrée de la langue dans le menu HTML

  1. Create an entry for the language in the html menu by opening file ./resources/theme/js/version_switch.js (assuming you are at the blender_docs subdirectory).

  2. Trouvez la table des langues dans var all_langs = {..};.

  3. Saisissez l’entrée : 'fr': 'Fran&ccedil;ais',, ('fr': 'Français'). (Notez les caractères Unicode.)

  4. To find out about changes in the local repository:

    svn status
  5. Enter your password:

    svn commit --username <your username> -m "your comment"
  6. Bring your local repository up to the most recent version of changes, including the one you have just done:

    svn update .

Setting the Local Configuration File

  1. Open a text editor to enter the following texts, change the language code to whatever the language you will be translating:

    language = 'fr'
    locale_dirs = ['locale/']
    gettext_compact = True
  2. Save this file as conf.py in the blender_docs directory, where Makefile resides.

  3. Tells svn to ignore this file when performing operations by executing this shell command:

    svn propset svn:ignore conf.py .

Production du jeu de fichiers pour la langue cible

  1. Consultez le dépôt de traduction courant en utilisant la commande

    svn checkout https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-manual-translations/trunk/blender_docs/locale

    This will download all language sets available in the repository into the locale directory of your drive. You can go to the locale directory to see the hidden subdirectory .svn within it, together with directories of languages. You’ll need to add your own set of files for the language you are trying to translating to.

  2. From the blender_docs directory to generate a set of files for fr language:

    make gettext
    sphinx-intl update -p build/locale -l fr

    Ces fichiers sont encore uniquement en anglais, avec toutes les entrées msgstr vierges.

  3. Soumettez le nouveau jeu de fichiers au dépôt central

    cd locale
    svn add fr
    svn commit --username <your username> -m "Initial commit language set of files for French"
  4. You don’t need all other languages being there, so remove the locale directory for the time being:

    rm -fr locale

    We will download this new set of language as guided in the next section.


  • Il est recommandé de créer deux variables d’environnement pour ces dossiers, dans le .bashrc pour rendre plus pratique la modification ou l’écriture des commandes batch/shell pour le processus de traduction et la révision des résultats

    export BLENDER_MAN_EN=$HOME/<directory to make file directory above>/blender_docs
    export BLENDER_MAN_FR=$BLENDER_MAN_EN/locale
  • Newly generated files will contain some placeholders for authors and revision dates etc. If you find the job of replacing them repetitive, make use of the script change_placeholders.sh in the subdirectory ~/blender_docs/toos_maintenance, make a copy of that to your local bin directory and replace all values that were mentioned in the file with your specific details, then after each change to a file, you would do following commands to update the file with your personal details, revision date and time, plus generating the html files for your language, which you can view using your Internet browser:

    $HOME/bin/change_placeholders.sh $BLENDER_MAN_FR
    make -d --trace -w -B -e SPHINXOPTS="-D language='fr'" 2>&1