Remplacement de Librairie (Library Overrides)

Library Overrides is a system designed to replace and supersede Proxies. Most types of linked data-blocks can be overridden, and the properties of those overrides can then be edited. When the library data changes, unmodified properties of the overridden one will be updated accordingly.


The current proxy system will be kept alongside for a few releases. Automatic conversion from proxies to library overrides is not planned, there will be a manual operator to do that, but results on complex characters are not guaranteed.

Les Library Overrides prennent en charge:

  • Plusieurs remplacements indépendants d’une même donnée liée (par exemple, un personnage complet).

  • Ajout de nouveaux modificateurs et contraintes, n’importe où dans la pile.

  • Chaînage récursif des remplacements (c’est-à-dire remplacements de lien et de remplacement à partir d’un autre fichier de bibliothèque, etc.).


There are known issues that have to be addressed. See Phabricator main task of the project, for more details.

Creating an Override



3D Viewport and Outliner


Mode Objet


3D Viewport ‣ Header ‣ Object ‣ Relations ‣ Make Override Library Outliner ‣ Context Menu ‣ ID Data ‣ Make Library Override Hierarchy Outliner ‣ Context Menu ‣ ID Data ‣ Make Library Override

There are two ways to create an override of a linked data-block.

Single Data-Block Override

You can override a single data-block from two places:

  • The Outliner (it’s in the context menu of IDs), in which case all local usages of that linked ID will be remapped to the new local override.

  • The data-block menu in the UI (Shift-LMB on the chain icon to the right), in which case only that specific usage will be remapped to the new local override.

Make Library Override Operator/Make Library Override Hierarchy

This operator goes over linked objects or local empties instantiating a linked collection (typically, a linked character).

The operator will go through the whole hierarchy of collections and objects, and override all those needed to allow posing/animation of a character.


La mise en page appropriée des Collections est importante

For this operator to work properly, it is crucial that all the collections needed by the character are children of the root (linked and instantiated) one. Otherwise, some won’t be automatically overridden, and manual work will be needed to fix the override.

Converting Proxies to Library Override



3D Viewport and Outliner


Mode Objet


3D Viewport ‣ Header ‣ Object ‣ Relations ‣ Convert Proxy to Library Override Outliner ‣ ID Data ‣ Convert Proxy to Library Override

Converts a Proxy to a local override. This operator is used to help convert older blend-files to the new override system.

Syncing Overrides

The relationships between linked data-blocks can be changed resulting in outdated overrides When this happens overrides need to be resynced to match the new structure. Overrides are automatically resynced when opening blend-files, however, overrides can be resynced manually using Resync Library Override Hierarchy.


La resynchronisation automatique peut être désactivée dans les Préférences Expérimentales.

Editing an Override

Essentiellement, un remplacement est édité de la même manière qu’un bloc de données local normal. Vous pouvez utiliser des opérateurs dessus, éditer leurs propriétés à partir de divers éditeurs, etc. Il existe cependant certaines limitations, notamment le mode d’édition n’est pas autorisé pour les remplacements. Dans la plupart des cas, dès que vous modifiez une propriété, vous pouvez voir qu’elle est remplacée par son contour/arrière-plan bleu sarcelle.

You can also animate overrides, animated properties just replace/supersede overrides then. Note that you cannot override-edit an existing animation, you’ll have to create a new action. You can manually define or remove an override from the context menu of the relevant property.

Définir les remplacements



N’importe lequel


Mode Objet


Context Menu ‣ Define Overrides Context Menu ‣ Define Override

Mark a property to be overridden in the local blend-file. For array properties all elements will be overridden.

Définir un remplacement unique



N’importe lequel


Mode Objet


Context Menu ‣ Define Single Override

Mark a property to be overridden in the local blend-file. For array properties only the selected element will be overridden.

Supprimer les remplacements



N’importe lequel


Mode Objet


Context Menu ‣ Remove Overrides Context Menu ‣ Remove Override

Supprime la propriété des remplacements. La valeur du bloc de données lié sera utilisée. Pour les propriétés de tableau, tous les éléments seront supprimés du remplacement.

Supprimer un remplacement unique



N’importe lequel


Mode Objet


Context Menu ‣ Remove Single Override

Supprime la propriété des remplacements. La valeur du bloc de données lié sera utilisée. Pour les propriétés de tableau, seuls les éléments sélectionnés seront supprimés du remplacement.

Réinitialiser le remplacement de la bibliothèque





Mode Objet


Context Menu ‣ ID Data ‣ Reset Library Override Context Menu ‣ ID Data ‣ Reset Library Override Hierarchy

Reset the override to its original values. Reset Library Override Hierarchy will also reset the overrides of its child data-blocks.

Resync Library Override Hierarchy





Mode Objet


Context Menu ‣ ID Data ‣ Resync Library Override Hierarchy

The structure of the linked data (the relationships between linked data-blocks) can be changed. Overrides need to be resynced to match the new structure. This operator will resync the override to the new structure in the library.


Lors de la resynchronisation d’un remplacement de bibliothèque, il est possible que les remplacements modifiés soient supprimés s’ils sont modifiés dans la bibliothèque d’origine. Si tel est le cas, un message d’avertissement s’affichera indiquant combien de remplacements ont été supprimés, si la suppression n’est pas souhaitable, la resynchronisation peut être annulée avant d’enregistrer le fichier blend.

Resync Library Override Hierarchy Enforce





Mode Objet


Context Menu ‣ ID Data ‣ Resync Library Override Hierarchy Enforce

In some cases, especially with older blend-files that were saved with “broken” (non-hierarchy-matching) overrides, a regular resync itself cannot rebuild properly the override as expected (e.g. some objects might go missing). To solve this issue, this operator rebuilds the local override from its linked reference, as well as its hierarchy of dependencies, enforcing that hierarchy to match the linked data (i.e. ignoring existing overrides on data-blocks properties). This is similar to a regular resync but is a more forceful resync, at the cost of a potential loss of some overrides on ID pointers properties.

Delete Library Override Hierarchy





Mode Objet


Context Menu ‣ ID Data ‣ Delete Library Override Hierarchy

Remove the library override from the selected data-block and all its children and replace them with the original linked data-block. This will revert the Make Library Override.