Volumetrics (Volumétriques)

Eevee simulates volumetric scattering by evaluating all volume objects inside the view frustum.

To achieve this, Eevee uses several 3D textures which have a high video memory usage. The texture dimensions can be tweaked using the Tile Size and Samples parameters.

Object volumes have some limitations.



Properties ‣ Render ‣ Volumetrics


Distance de départ de l’effet volumétrique.


Distance de fin de l’effet volumétrique.

Tile Size

Controls the quality of the volumetric effects. Lower size increases video memory usage and quality. This is the size in pixels of a volumetric cell.


Number of samples to compute volumetric effects. Higher count increases video memory usage and quality. These samples are distributed along the view depth (view Z axis).


Blend between linear and exponential sample distribution. Higher values puts more samples near the camera.

Volumetric Lighting

Let the volume scattering scatter light in the scene. Unnecessary if no Volume Scatter is present in the scene.

Light Clamping

Clamp light contribution of the volume scattering effect. Reduces flickering and noise. Set to 0.0 to disable clamping.

Volumetric Shadows

Faire une absorption lumineuse approximative des objets du volume environnant. Cela rend les volumes plus opaques à la lumière. C’est une option très coûteuse en termes de calcul et qui a ses limites.


Number of samples to compute volumetric shadowing.

Voir aussi
