- Tipo
Strip type represented by an icon.
- Nome
You can name or rename your strips here.
- Color Tag
Besides the set of Default Strip Colors strips can also be given an alternative predefined color. This can be useful to help organize your sequence by for example, giving a special color to all graphic overlays and a different color for footage.
- Disattiva
If enabled the strip will not produce any output.
- Pannello:
- Blend
Mode of blending strip with lower channels.
- Opacità
Set the opacity (alpha) of the strip. This value, when animated and with the
option turned on, is drawn on the strip as a dark section that follows the animation curve.
- Pannello:
- Filtra
Interpolation Methods.
- Nearest:
No interpolation, uses nearest neighboring pixel.
- Bilinear:
Simple interpolation between adjacent pixels.
- Subsampling (3x3):
Use nearest with 3x3 subsamples during rendering.
- Position X, Y
Used to move the frames along the X and Y axis.
- Scale X, Y
Scale the image on the X and Y axis.
- Rotazione
Rotates the input two-dimensionally along the Z axis.
- Mirror
Mirrors the image along the X axis (left to right) or the Y axis (top to bottom).
- Pannello:
Used to crop the source image. Use Top, Left, Bottom, and Right to control the number of pixels that are cropped.
- Pannello:
- Strobe
To only display each nth frame. For example, if you set this to 10, the strip will only display frames 1, 11, 21, 31, 41… of the source. Strobe is a float value – this way you can get a strobe effect synced exactly to a beat, for example, by using non-integer values.
- Reverse Frames
Strip is played backwards starting from the last frame in the sequence.
- Pannello:
- Saturation
Increase or decrease the saturation of an image.
- Multiply
Multiplies the colors by this value. This will increases the brightness.
- Multiply Alpha
Multiply alpha along with color channels.
- Convert to Float
Converts input to float data.
- Pannello:
Working with sound is documented further at Sound Strip.
- Volume
The volume of the sound. This value, when animated and with the
option activated, is drawn on the strip as a dark section that follows the animation curve. The value is also reflected in the waveform.
- Pan
Used to pan the audio between speakers in multichannel audio. Only works for mono sources. The number of audio channels can be configured in the Audio Output settings. For stereo output panning works from left (-1) to right (1). When the output uses more than two channels, values can be between -2 and 2, where 0 means front/center, -1 means to the left and 1 to the right. To address rear speakers, you can pan to those with the higher values: -2, 2 is back. This value basically represents the angle at which it’s played if you multiply the value by 90 degrees. For smooth animation you can assign values outside the soft bounds, since the angle wraps around over multiple rotations.
- Display Waveform
Display an approximate waveform of the sound file inside of the Sound strip. The waveform reflects strip volume and its animation using keyframes.
Clipping audio, i.e. values over 100% amplitude, will be shown in red in the waveform.
- Mono
Mixdown all audio channels into a single one.
- Pannello:
The Time panel is used to control source and timeline position of the strip.
- Lock (padlock icon)
Prevents the strip from being moved (found in the panel header).
- Show Retiming Keys
Toggle visibility and selectability of Retiming keys.
- Canale
Changes the channel number, or row, of the strip.
- Inizio
Changes the starting frame number of the strip, which is the same as selecting and moving the strip.
- Duration
Changes the length, in frames of the strip. This works by changing the end frame, which is the same as selecting and moving the strip’s right handle.
- End
Specifies the ending time and ending frame number for the strip.
- Strip Offset Start/End
Can be used to either extend the strip beyond the end frame by repeating the last frame. Or it can be used to shorten the strip, as if you were cropping the end frame. This is the same as adjusting the strip handles.
- Hold Offset Start/End
Offset of the uncut strip content.
- Current Frame
The frame number relative to the start of the active strip.
- Pannello:
The Source panel is used to control sources of the strip such as filename and file path and various methods of interpreting these files.
- Percorso
The directory that contains the source file. When the file is moved this can be updated instead of re-create the strip.
- File
The file name of the source file. For image strips showing an image sequence, this will be different for each frame.
- Change Data/Files
Same as the Path and File fields, but this time combined to open the File Browser in order to find the file(s) you search. Same as
.- MPEG Preseek
Movie strip only – Use Preseek field to tell Blender to look backward and compose an image based on the specified amount of previous frames (e.g. 15 for MPEG-2 DVD).
- Spazio Colore
To specify the color space of the source file.
The list of color spaces depends on the active OCIO config. The default supported color spaces are described in detail here: Default OpenColorIO Configuration
- Alpha Mode
If the source file has an Alpha (transparency) channel, you can choose:
- Stream Index
Movie strip only – For files with several movie streams, use the stream with the given index.
- Deinterlaccia
Rimuove i campi in un file video. Ad esempio, se si tratta di un video analogico e ha campi di interlacciamento pari o dispari.
- Source Information
Displays information about the strip’s media.
- Resolution
Resolution of the active strip image output.
Movie strip only – The frame rate encoded into the video file. If this value does not match the scene Frame Rate the perceived speed of the media will be wrong unless the speed is changed to account for the difference in frame rate.
Options for Sound Strips
- Sound
Data-block menu to select a sound.
- Percorso
Path to the sound file used by this data-block menu.
- Pack
Pack sound into the blend-file.
- Caching
Sound file is decoded and loaded into the RAM.
- Source Information
Displays information about the strip’s media.
- Samplerate
The number of samples per second the audio is encoded at.
- Channels
The number of audio channels encoded into the audio stream.