

Display panel.

The Display panel is used to enable extra drawing or viewing options for the 3D View.

Displays the name of the object in the 3D View.
Displays an object similar to an Empty that shows the object's axis.
Draws an object's wireframe on top of the solid drawing.
Draw All Edges
Displays all edges for mesh objects.

Displays a bounding box around an object. This can be helpful if you have high-poly objects that slow down the viewport.

Draw Bounds Type
Displays the object's bounds calculated with different primitive shapes that might be closer to what the original object looks like.
Texture Space
Displays the objects Texture Space.
Makes the object draw in front of others. (Unsupported for duplicator drawing).
Displays material transparency in the object. (Unsupported for duplicator drawing).
Maximum Draw Type
The Maximum shading mode to display in the 3D View. This can be useful if you have a high-poly object that is slowing down performance.
Object Color
Allows to specify the color used when the Object Color in Material Options is enabled.