Fluid Control


Panel:Physics ‣ Fluid

Using the Lattice-Boltzmann method, the fluid is controlled using particles which define local force fields and are generated automatically from either a physical simulation or a sequence of target shapes. At the same time, as much as possible of the natural fluid motion is preserved.



Fluid control options.

Controls whether the control object contributes to the fluid system. This is useful when animating the fluid control object.
Higher quality result in more control particles for the fluid control object.
Reverse Frames
Reverses the control object's movement.
You specify the time interval (start and end time) during which the fluid control object is active.
Attraction Force

Specifies the force which gets emitted by the fluid control object.

The strength of the force. Positive force results in attraction of the fluid, negative force in avoidance.
Velocity Force

If the fluid control object moves, the resulting velocity can also introduce a force to the fluid.

The strength of the effect.
The radius of the force.


In these examples, the Fluid Control is used to control part of the fluid so that it has a certain shape (the sphere drop or the teapot drop) before it falls in the rest of the fluid:


Falling drop.


"Magic Fluid Control".