Object Solver Constraint

The Object Solver constraint gives the owner of this constraint, the location and rotation of the "solved object motion".

The "solved object motion" is where Blender thinks the physical, real-world (tracked) object was, relative to the camera that filmed it.

Can be used to add a mesh to video for example.


This constraint only works after you have set up a minimum of eight markers and pressed Solve object Motion. Located at Movie Clip Editor ‣ Tool Shelf ‣ Solve ‣ Solve Camera Motion

If it says Solve Camera Motion instead of Solve Object Motion then go into the Movie Clip Editor ‣ Properties region ‣ Objects and switch it from the camera, to an object.



Object Solver Constraint panel.

Active Clip
Receive tracking data from the active movie clip in the Movie Clip editor. If unchecked, an option appears to choose from the other clips.
Select a tracked object to receive transform data from.
Select the camera to which the motion is parented to (if active empty scene camera is used).
Set Inverse
Moves the origin of the object to the origin of the camera.
Clear Inverse
Moves the origin of the object back to the spot set in the Movie Clip Editor Tool Shelf ‣ Solve ‣ Orientation ‣ Set Origin.
Constraint to F-Curve
Applies the constraint, creating keyframes for the transforms.