Irradiance Volumes

Diffuse indirect lightingはIrradince Volume objectを利用しているユーザーによって定義されるvolumetric arrayの中に保存されます。ユーザーはこのarrayをワールドのどこに配置するのかを自由に決めることができます。

Lighting is computed at the dot positions visible when the Irradiance Volume object is selected.

If Ambient Occlusion is enabled, it will be applied onto diffuse indirect lighting. If both Ambient Occlusion and "Bent Normals" are enabled the indirect lighting will be sampled from the least occluded direction and appear more correct.


Panel:Object Data ‣ Probe

Probe objectは近くの物体の表面の光にのみ影響を及ぼします。この影響範囲はDistanceパラメーターとオブジェクトの大きさによって決まります。 The influence distance varies is a bit, depending on the probe type.

Irradiance Volumeの内側ではその影響は常に100%です。この影響が減衰するのはIrradiance volumeの外側のみで、減衰はIrradiance Volumeまでの距離がローカルのDistanceパラメーターに達するまでとなります。

Probe objectの影響が線形に減衰する間の影響の割合です。
Spatial resolution for Irradiance Volumes is determined per probe. The local volume is divided into a regular grid of the specified dimensions. One irradiance sample will be computed for each cell in this grid.

Defines the near and far clip distances when capturing the scene.


Clipping distances are applied at the samples positions and not at the grid origin.

Visibility Collection

In some cases, it is useful to limit which objects appear in the light probe's captured lighting. For instance, an object that is too close to a capture point might be better excluded. This is what the visibility collection does. Only objects that are in this collection will be visible when this probes captures the scene.

There is also an option to invert this behavior and effectively hide the objects in this collection.


This is only a filtering option. That means that if an object is not visible at render time it won't be visible during the probe render.


For every grid point a small Variance Shadow Map is rendered. This visibility cubemap is used to reduce light leaking behind occluders. You can tweak the size of this map inside the render settings and tweak the bias and blur factors per grid inside the Probe Properties tab.

Reduces self-shadowing.
Bleed Bias
Increases the "contrast" of the depth test result.
Amount of blur to apply when filtering the visibility shadow map. Does not increase runtime cost but has a small effect on baking time.


The lighting values from an Irradiance Volume will fade outwards until the volume bounds are reached. They will fade into the world's lighting or another Irradiance Volume's lighting.

If multiple Irradiance Volumes overlap, smaller (in volume) ones will always have more priority.

If an object is not inside any Irradiance Volume, or if the indirect lighting has not been baked, the world's diffuse lighting will be used to shade it.


  • When lighting indoor environments, try to align grids with the room shape.
  • Try not to put too much resolution in empty areas or areas with a low amount of lighting variation.
  • You can fix bad samples by adding a smaller grid near the problematic area.


Spatial resolution for Irradiance Volumes is determined per probe. The local volume is divided into a regular grid of the specified dimensions. One irradiance sample will be computed for each cell in this grid.

Viewport Display

Show the influence bounds in the 3D View. The inner sphere is where the falloff starts.
Show the clipping distance in the 3D View.