Weight Paint Tools
For Grease Pencil Weight Paint modes each brush type is exposed as a tool, the brush can be changed in the Tool Settings. See Brush for more information.

- Draw(ドロー)
Paints a specified weight over the strokes.
- Blur(ぼかし)
Smooths out the weighting of adjacent points. In this mode the Weight Value is ignored. The strength defines how much the smoothing is applied.
- Average(平均)
Smooths weights by painting the average resulting weight from all weights under the brush.
- Smear
Smudges weights by grabbing the weights under the brush and "dragging" them. This can be imagined as a finger painting tool.
- Annotate(アノテート)
- Annotate Line(アノテートライン)
- Annotate Polygon(アノテートポリゴン)
- Annotate Eraser(アノテート消しゴム)