
Após o desdobramento, você provavelmente irá precisar organizar os mapas UV em alguma coisa que possa ser texturizada ou pintada de uma forma inteligível. Seus objetivos para a edição são:

  • Costura algumas peças (mapas UV) formando um único conjunto.
  • Minimiza o espaço desperdiçado em uma imagem.
  • Alarga as faces onde você deseja mais detalhes.
  • Redimensiona / Alarga as faces que estão esticadas.
  • Encolhe (ou recolhe) as faces que estiverem muito granulares e que possuem muitos detalhes.

With a minimum of dead space, the most pixels can be dedicated to giving the maximum detail and fineness to the UV texture. A UV face can be as small as a pixel (the little dots that make up an image) or as large as an entire image. You probably want to make some major adjustments first, and then tweak the layout.



Mode:View Mode and Mask Mode
Panel:Toolbar ‣ Tools ‣ Transform
Menu:UVs ‣ Transform
  • Move G
  • Rotacionar R
  • Escalonar S
  • Aparar Shift-Ctrl-Alt-S

Bloqueio de eixos

As transformações podem ser bloqueadas para um dos eixos pressionando X ou Y após acionar alguma das ferramentas de transformação. Adicionalmente, manter o BMM pressionado também funciona para restringir os movimentos para o eixo X ou Y.

Opções para UVs


Mode:View Mode and Mask Mode
Desdobramento contínuo
Desdobra continuamente as ilhas de UVs selecionadas durante as transformações de vértices afixados.
Snap to Pixels
UVs will not be snapped.
Will force the UVs to snap to the corners of the nearest pixels of an image if loaded.
Will force the UVs to snap to the center of the nearest pixels of an image if loaded.
Restringir para os limites da imagem
Habilitar a opção Restringir para os limites da imagem irá evitar que as UVs sejam movidas para fora da amplitude entre 0 e 1.

Afixar e desafixar


Mode:View mode
Panel:Toolbar ‣ Tools ‣ UV Tools ‣ UV Unwrap: Pin/Unpin
Menu:UVs ‣ Pin/Unpin
Hotkey:P, Alt-P

You can pin UVs so they do not move between multiple unwrap operations. When Unwrapping a model it is sometimes useful to «Lock» certain UVs, so that parts of a UV layout stay the same shape, and/or in the same place. Pinning is done by selecting a UV, then selecting Pin from the UVs menu, or the shortcut P. You can Unpin a UV with the shortcut Alt-P.

Pinning is most effective when using the Unwrap method of UV mapping, for organic objects. An example is when you are modeling a symmetrical object using the Mirror Modifier. Some of the UVs on the mirror axis may be shared across the mirrored counterparts. You could pin the UVs that correspond to the midline, then align them on the X axis, and they will stay in that location.

Pinning also work great with the Live Unwrap tool. If you pin two or more UVs, with Live Unwrap on, dragging pinned UVs will interactively unwrap the model. This helps with fitting a UV island to a certain shape or region.



Mode:View mode
Panel:Toolbar ‣ Tools ‣ UV Tools ‣ UV Unwrap: Mark/Clear Seam
Menu:UVs ‣ Mark/Clear Seam

See Costuras.

Empacotar ilhas


Mode:View mode
Panel:Toolbar ‣ Tools ‣ UV Tools ‣ Pack Islands
Menu:UVs ‣ Pack Islands

The Pack Islands tool generates an optimized UV layout with non-overlapping islands that tries to efficiently fill the texture space.

First it will uniformly scale the selected island, then individually transform each island so that they fill up the UV space as much as possible.

Escalonar as ilhas por uma média


Mode:View mode
Panel:Toolbar ‣ Tools ‣ UV Tools ‣ Average Island Scale
Menu:UVs ‣ Average Island Scale

Using the Average Island Scale tool, will scale each UV island so that they are all approximately the same scale.

Minimizar esticamento


Mode:View mode
Panel:Toolbar ‣ Tools ‣ UV Tools ‣ Minimize Stretch
Menu:UVs ‣ Minimize Stretch

The Minimize Stretch tool, reduces UV stretch by minimizing angles. This essentially relaxes the UVs.



Mode:View mode
Panel:Toolbar ‣ Tools ‣ UV Tools ‣ Stitch
Menu:UVs ‣ Stitch

The Stitch tool, will join selected UVs that share vertices. you set the tool to limit stitching by distance in the Adjust Last Operation panel, by activating use limit and adjusting the limit distance

Copiar as coordenadas UV espelhadas


Mode:View mode
Panel:Toolbar ‣ Tools ‣ UV Tools ‣ Copy Mirrored UV Coordinates
Menu:UVs ‣ Copy Mirrored UV Coordinates

Copies UVs from one side of the mirrored mesh to the other. Affects only selected vertices (on both sides).

Axis Direction
Tolerance for finding vertex duplicates.



Mode:View mode
Panel:Toolbar ‣ Tools ‣ UV Align ‣ Mirror X/Y
Menu:UVs ‣ Mirror

UVs can be mirrored on the Y axis or the X axis:

  • Espelhar em X
  • Espelhar em Y

You can also use the hotkey Ctrl-M, then enter X or Y, or hold the MMB and drag in the mirror direction.



Mode:View mode
Menu:UVs ‣ Snap

Snapping in the UV Editor is similar to Snapping in 3D. For the snap to pixel options to work an image has to be loaded.

Seleção para os pixeis
Moves selection to nearest pixel. See also Snap to pixel above.
Seleção para o cursor
Moves selection to 2D cursor location.
Seleção para o cursor (deslocamento)
Moves selection center to 2D cursor location, while preserving the offset of the vertices from the center.
Seleção para os adjacentes não selecionados
Moves selection to adjacent unselected element.
Cursor para os pixeis
Atrai o cursor para os pixeis mais pŕoximos.
Cursor para a seleção
Move o cursor para o centro da seleção.



Mode:View mode
Panel:Toolbar ‣ Tools ‣ UV Tools ‣ Weld
Menu:UVs ‣ Weld/Align ‣ Weld,

The Weld tool will move selected UVs to their average position.

Merge UVs by Distance


Mode:View mode
Panel:Toolbar ‣ Tools ‣ UV Tools ‣ Merge UVs by Distance
Menu:UVs ‣ Weld/Align ‣ Merge UVs by Distance,

The Merge UVs by Distance tool will merge selected UVs within the specified Margin.

Endireitar / Alinhar


Mode:View mode
Panel:Toolbar ‣ Tools ‣ UV Tools ‣ UV Align ‣ Straighten/Align
Menu:UVs ‣ Weld/Align ‣ Straighten/Align,
Automático, X, Y

Will line up the selected UVs on the X axis, Y axis, or automatically chosen axis.

Automático, X, Y

Edição proporcional


Mode:View mode
Cabeçalho:Proportional Editing
Menu:UVs ‣ Proportional Editing

Proportional Editing is available in UV editing. The controls are the same as in the 3D View. See Proportional Editing in 3D for a full reference.

Mostrar ou ocultar faces


Mode:View mode
Menu:UVs ‣ Show/Hide Faces
  • Revelar ocultos Alt-H
  • Ocultar seleção H
  • Ocultar não selecionados Shift-H

Exportar esquema UV


Mode:View mode
Menu:UVs ‣ Export UV Layout

This is an add-on activated by default.

Janela de visualização 3D

Espelhar faces e rotacionar UVs


Editor:Janela de visualização 3D
Mode:Edit mode
Menu:Mesh ‣ Face ‣ Rotate UVs/Reverse UVs

The orientation of the UV texture is defined by each face. If the image is, for example, upside down or laying on its side, use the Face ‣ Rotate UVs (in the 3D View in Face Select mode) menu to rotate the UVs per face in 90-degree turns.

The Face ‣ Reverse UVs tool mirrors the UVs per face, which flips the image over, showing you the image reversed.