Curves Sculpt Mode allows working with curves using various brushes. It is commonly used for hair grooming, but can be used with all kinds of curves.
The curves” surface object plays an important role in many curves sculpting brushes. Most brushes such as Add Curves require the surface to be set already.
Curves Sculpt tools only use the original mesh of the surface object and don’t take its modifiers into account.
Modos de seleção
- Mode:
Modo de escultura
- Menu:
- Atalho:
1, 2
Selection modes limits selection operators to certain curve domains. This feature is makes it easy to select whole segments at once, or to give more granular control over editing.
- Pontos de controle:
Allows selection of individual control points.
- Curve:
Limits selection to whole curve segments.
Sculpt mode provides several properties that give advanced control of the tool’s behavior. These options can be found in the right-hand side of the 3D Viewport’s Header.
- Espelhar
Allows tools to affect curves symmetrically according to the chosen axis.
- Use Sculpt Collision
Prevents the curve segments from passing through the Surface Object.
- Cage Opacity
Shows the original curves that are currently being edited which is useful with when procedural deformations or child curves are used.