Simplify Curves

The Simplify Curves tool works on a single selected curve object. It generates a new curve based on the original one. The higher the Distance Error threshold is set the more control points are removed.

The Simplify F-Curves tool works the same way, but on selected F-Curves.

Merge by Distance tool glues nearby points on a single Bézier curve. In fact it is an analog of the usual Merge by Distance on a mesh, but for curves. Unlike the mesh one, it does not connect the points from different parts of the curves, even if they are on the ends of the two curves. To glue such points, you must first connect them with Make Segment.


  • Откройте Blender и перейдите в настройки, затем на вкладку «Аддоны».

  • Click Add Curve then Simplify Curves to enable the script.

Интерфейс (interface)

The Merge By Distance and Curve Simplify buttons are located in the 3D Viewport ‣ Curve Context Menu in curve Edit Mode.

The Simplify F-Curves tool can be accessed by enabling Developer Extras and using the Меню «поиск» to search for «Simplify F-Curves» in the Dope Sheet or Graph Editor.



Добавить кривую


Simplify curves in the 3D Viewport, and Dope Sheet, merge by distance in 3D Viewport.

Положение (location):

3D Viewport ‣ Add ‣ Curve ‣ Curve Simplify, Dope Sheet and Graph editors ‣ Channel ‣ Simplify F-Curves

Файл (file):


testscreenings, Michael Soluyanov


To Do



Уровень поддержки:



Этот аддон поставляется в комплекте с Blender.