Stroke Menu

This page covers many of the tools in the Strokes menu. These are tools that work primarily on strokes, however, some also work with point selections.

Subdivide (разделить)


Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Stroke ‣ Subdivide

Subdivides the strokes by inserting points between the selected points.

Number of Cuts (число разрезов)

The number of subdivisions to perform.

Сглаживание (smooth)

The amount of the smoothness on subdivided points.

Повторять (repeat)

Number of times to repeat the procedure.

Selected Points

When enabled, limits the effect to only the selected points within the stroke.

Положение (position)

When enabled, the operator affect the points location.

Толщина (thickness)

When enabled, the operator affect the points thickness.

Сила (strength)

When enabled, the operator affect the points strength (alpha).


When enabled, the operator affect the UV rotation on the points.

Упрощение (simplify)


Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Stroke ‣ Simplify

Reduce the amount of points in the strokes.

Фиксировано (fixed)

Deletes alternated points in the strokes, except the start and end points.

Шаги (steps)

The number of times to repeat the procedure.

Адаптивно (adaptive)

Uses the RDP algorithm (Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm) for points deletion. The algorithm tries to obtain a similar line shape with fewer points.

Коэффициент (factor)

Controls the amount of recursively simplifications applied by the algorithm.

Семплировать (sample)

Recreates the stroke geometry with a predefined length between points.

Длина (length)

The distance between points on the recreated stroke. Smaller values will require more points to recreate the stroke, while larger values will result in fewer points needed to recreate the curve.

Sharp Threshold

The maximum angle between points on the recreated stroke. Smaller values will require more points to recreate the stroke, while larger values will result in fewer points needed to recreate the curve.



Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Stroke ‣ Trim

Trims selected stroke to first loop or intersection.


Original stroke.


Result of trim operation.

Обводка (outline)


Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Stroke ‣ Outline

Converts a stroke to an outline.

Вид (view)

The projection method to generate the outline

Вид (view):

Use the viewport’s view as a projection.

Спереди (front):

Use the X-Z axes view as a projection.

Сторона (side):

use the Y-Z axis view as a projection

Сверху / Верх (top):

Use the X-Y axes view as a projection

Камера (camera):

Use the view from the active camera as a projection.

Material Mode

How materials are assigned to the outline.

Active Material:

The stroke outline will be assigned the active material.

Keep Material:

The stoke outline will have the same material as before.

New Material:

A new material will be created and assigned to the outline.

Толщина (thickness)

Thickness of the stroke perimeter.

Keep Shape

Try to keep global shape when the stroke thickness change.

Подразделения (subdivisions)

Number of subdivisions for the start and end caps.

Sample Length

The length each resulting segment of the outline. Smaller values create outlines closer to the original shape.


Original stroke.


Generated stroke after outline operation.



Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Stroke ‣ Join ‣ Join, Join and Copy

Горячая клавиша:

Ctrl-J, Shift-Ctrl-J

Join two or more strokes into a single one.

Тип (type)
Join Ctrl-J

Join selected strokes by connecting points.

Join and Copy Shift-Ctrl-J

Join selected strokes by connecting points in a new stroke.

Leave Gaps

When enabled, do not use geometry to connect the strokes.

Move to Layer


Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Stroke ‣ Move to Layer

Горячая клавиша:


A pop-up menu to move the stroke to a different layer. You can choose the layer to move the selected strokes to from a list of layers of the current Grease Pencil object. You can also add a new layer to move the selected stroke to. When creating a new layer, there is another pop-up to type in the name of the new layer.

Assign Material


Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Stroke ‣ Assign Material

Changes the material linked to the selected stroke. You can choose the name of the material to be used by the selected stroke from a list of materials of the current Grease Pencil object.

Set as Active Material


Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Stroke ‣ Set as Active Material

Sets the active object material based on the selected stroke material.



Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Stroke ‣ Arrange

Change the drawing order of the strokes in the 2D layer.

Bring to Front

Moves to the top the selected points/strokes.

Bring Forward

Moves the selected points/strokes upper the next one in the drawing order.

Send Backward

Moves the selected points/strokes below the previous one in the drawing order.

Send to Back

Moves to the bottom the selected points/strokes.



Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Stroke ‣ Close

Горячая клавиша:


Close or open strokes by connecting the last and first point.

Тип (type)
Close All

Close all open selected strokes.

Open All

Open all closed selected strokes.


Close or Open selected strokes as required.

Create Geometry

When enabled, points are added for closing the strokes. If disabled, the operator act the same as Toggle Cyclic.

Toggle Cyclic


Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Stroke ‣ Toggle Cyclic

Toggles between an open stroke and closed stroke (cyclic).

Тип (type)
Close All

Close all open selected strokes.

Open All

Open all closed selected strokes.


Close or Open selected strokes as required.

Create Geometry

When enabled, points are added for closing the strokes like when using the Close tool. If disabled, the stroke is close without any actual geometry.

Toggle Caps


Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Stroke ‣ Toggle Caps

Toggle ending cap styles of the stroke.

По умолчанию (default)

Sets stroke start and end points to rounded (default).

Оба (both)

Toggle stroke start and end points caps to flat or rounded.

Начало (start)

Toggle stroke start point cap to flat or rounded.

Конец (end)

Toggle stroke end point cap to flat or rounded.


Stroke ending with rounded caps.


Stroke ending with flat caps.


Stroke ending with combined caps.

Switch Direction


Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Stroke ‣ Switch Direction

Reverse the direction of the points in the selected strokes (i.e. the start point will become the end one, and vice versa).

Set Start Point


Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Stroke ‣ Set Start Point

Set the start point for cyclic strokes.

Normalize Thickness


Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Stroke ‣ Normalize Thickness

Makes the thickness equal for the entire stroke.

Режим (mode)

Stroke Property to normalize.

Значение (value)

Thickness value to use on all points of the stroke.

Normalize Opacity


Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Stroke ‣ Normalize Opacity

Makes the opacity equal for the entire stroke.

Режим (mode)

Stroke Property to normalize.

Значение (value)

Opacity value to use on all points of the stroke.

Scale Thickness


Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Обводка ‣ Толщина шкалы

When enabled, scales the stroke thickness during scale transformations.

Reset Fill Transform


Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Stroke ‣ Reset Fill Transform

Reset all fill translation, scaling and rotations in the selected strokes.