Vertex Paint Tools

Рисовать (draw)

Paints a specified color over the object.

Размытие (blur)

Smooths out the colors of adjacent vertices. In this mode the Color Value is ignored. The strength defines how much the colors are blurred.

Средний (average)

Smooths color by painting the average resulting color from all colors under the brush.

Размазывание (smear)

Smudges colors by grabbing the colors under the brush and «dragging» them. This can be imagined as a finger painting tool.

Заменить (replace)

Change the color only to the stroke points that already have a color applied.

Аннотации (annotate)

Рисование пометок от руки.

Линия аннотации (annotate line)

Рисует пометку в виде прямой линии.

Многоугольник аннотации (annotate polygon)

Рисование пометки в виде ломаной линии.

Ластик аннотаций (annotate eraser)

Стирание предыдущих нарисованных пометок.