Настройки кисти

Painting needs paint brushes and Blender provides a Brush panel within the Toolbar when in Weight Paint Mode.

Кисть (brush)

In the Data-Block menu you find predefined Brush presets. And you can create your own custom presets as needed.

Радиус F (radius)

The radius defines the area of influence of the brush.

Сила (strength)

This is the amount of paint to be applied per brush stroke.

Use Falloff

When enabled, use Strength falloff for the brush. Brush Strength decays with the distance from the center of the brush.

Вес Ctrl-F

The weight (visualized as a color) to be used by the brush.

Using Ctrl-RMB you can set the weight to the value thats under the cursor.

Направление D

Brush direction toggle, Add adds weight value while Subtract removes weight value. This setting can be toggled with D.